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When God's Delays Turns into a Greater Blessing

Updated: May 28, 2021

Nobody enjoys delays. Whether it’s during check-out at a grocery store, in a traffic jam, or at the doctor’s office, having to wait your turn can be frustrating. Many people are losing hope and becoming disillusioned about why their plight won't change. It seems as if you experience an outpouring of fulfillment because everything is going as you desired. Then a time of discouragement floods you like a tsunami. This places you on a roller coaster of a few seasons of joy, followed by an unforeseeable pain of setbacks and unanswered prayers. Beloved, one blessed assurance this Christian faith offers us is hope when all else makes no sense. While we wait for the circumstances to turn in our favor, the best recourse is to bring Jesus into the situation because He is our firm foundation.

Telling someone to keep the faith when they feel ‘what’s the use of hoping when noting is going to change’; won’t win you the person of the year award. But it reminds them that God shall never leave nor forsake them. Dear Friend, God feels your pain and understands what you are going through because He relates to your problems. He’s not sitting in Heaven raining down turmoil in your life. He loves you too much to do that. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha were distraught. They had sent word to Jesus that he was sick. At the news of His beloved friend’s illness, He replied: "When Jesus heard this, he said, “This sickness will not lead to death, but to God’s glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (John11:4, NET). He didn’t immediately run to their rescue and heal their brother but remained where He was for two days.

While the sisters waited for Jesus’ arrival, Lazarus died, and by the time Christ arrived, He had been in the tomb for four days. What went through their mind during this time? Jesus had delayed coming and their brother has been buried. These are his dear friends, so why didn’t’ He rush to their aide? When Martha heard Jesus was coming, she ran to meet him and replied; 21 Martha then said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. (John 11:21, NET). Like many of us, doubt bombards our minds with questions and ridiculous negative thoughts. We may even get angry with the Lord and blame him for such an unfortunate outcome. But it’s when we stop as Maratha did and remember He has all power to do the impossible even when there is no life, we can find hope. (John 11:22). His delay is never to harm you but to show you He had this situation from the very beginning. The Lord knew it even before it became such distress. He’s using it to propel your faith to the next level. He’s doing something greater than your eyes can see and your mind can conceive.

We want to know why does God delays answering our problems, changing that situation, fulfilling that need? It’s as if He goes silent while the matter becomes worse. He delays because He’s developing you because to take you further than you’ve ever been, calls for you to be stronger than you’ve ever had. He doesn’t change your situation when you ask Him too and He does so for His greater glory and for your well-being. The Lord recognizes if He gets you out of each situation when you call Him, you’ll never grow and learn to persevere. God Almighty wants us to trust Him and submit our schedule and agenda list to Him. He knows your faith must be stretched to become secure in trusting Him when you don’t know how these impossible situations will turn out. Christ, even tells the disciples He’s glad He wasn’t there so they would believe. (John 11:15). As bizarre as this may sound, some things the Lord must allow to occur, otherwise, we will not be bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1, ESV). Lazarus’s death had to happen for the greater blessing to come forth. So, God delays never to hurt you but for you to develop an even closer relationship with Him. He delays so you will grow, overcome, and be all He created you to be. He does this for the world to behold His divine power, then glorifies, and magnify the Great, I Am!

What is the greatest lesson you have learned from God delaying the blessing?

Can you encourage someone today? Please comment on how this devotional inspired you, hit that heart, and share.

I pray the song; I Will Sing by Don Moen stirs your faith and heart in.

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