Children are a precious gift from God and worth all the love we can give them. (Psalms 127:3, ESV). There's more than teaching a child about responsibility and a lifestyle of affluence. They need to know you love them and they don't need to measure up to your unrealistic standards to earn your love. It means more to them than anything. Sometimes, parents get so caught up in their work and providing a lavish means of living for their children, you forget to show them how valuable they are. In time, the relationship becomes strained and distant. You can't seem to connect with them.
It may be your child's rebellion comes from a lack of parental attention. Yes, they need proper training, discipline, but they also need a parent they can talk to and enjoy spending time with. (Proverbs 1:8-9). Besides passing down what you consider proper manners and social status, make the time to get to know your children. Leave them with a sense of knowing they're important regardless if they live up to your expectations or not. When you start sharing their interests, encouraging your son and daughter even when they fail, and delight in being their parent, you'll discover how blessed you are to be a parent.
I pray the musical selection; The Family Prayer Song by The Maranatha Singers stirs your heart and faith in God.
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