You are A Precious Treasure ~ A Masterpiece - One-of-a-kind that's worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox
My Mission ~
Vernita Simmons, Author/Publishing Consultant & Speaker of the 2021 CBA GOLD and SILVER MEDAL AWARD book; “You Are Good Enough”
It is my mission for the revelations in my books to bring people into an encounter with the true and living God. After reading each devotional, I pray your experience opens your eyes to who you are in Christ. He promises never to leave nor forsake you despite what season of life you are enduring. It will show there’s nothing impossible for God.
Beloved, He loves you, and you mean the world to Him. I want your time with Him through each turn of the page to be something you never experienced before, and you’ll never be the same.
Greetings Beloved,
I'm Vernita Simmons, Author/Publishing Consultant & Speaker.
I launched this website to spread faith, hope, and love to anyone who needs a place to unburden the cares of life. (1 Peter 5:7, AMP).
Come and fellowship and receive encouragement, inspiration, and leave empowered. My Purpose is to use my inspirational devotionals to ignite a design within you to bring out the purpose that’s already in you. I believe everyone has a unique gift to make a difference in the world. Everybody is good at something. Sometimes you need someone to believe in you. Sometimes you require a little push, a “voice” to inspire you to be who you should be. Beloved, to fulfill the remarkable plan God has for your life you must overcome any negative images, thoughts, and any pain and hurt in your past which has crippled you.
Dear One, I don’t have any magic formula to offer you. I don’t come with some get-rich scheme to deceive you. I don’t make broken promises I can’t fulfill, either. What I have is to use God’s Word ~ My Voice in writing to encourage, inspire, and empower you. Beloved, take a leap of faith and trust God to set you free from the past which has held you, prisoner. I ask you to exit the Revolving door of despair.
My Friend, come, journey with me through transforming devotionals and apply God’s Word and realize you don’t need to wait until everything is perfect to be who He created you to be. God has blessed you with the potential you need to be who He already knows you are. Your dreams await you and you can achieve them. Dear Friend, there is more to you than meets the eye.
My Vision~
Vernita Simmons, Author/Publishing Consultant & Speaker~
To help you see your life has a purpose and you are of significant worth.
To stir your heart so it ignites a flame for you to see yourself as God sees you. It’s what He says matters most. Dear, you are valuable, and your life is priceless. The meditations are to encourage you not to believe those who tell you what you can’t achieve.
Beloved, you are good enough to rise above being told you are a failure, a nobody, inferior, and an embarrassment. My Friend, He breathed greatness in you, and you are not defined by your past. The Lord created you to thrive. You can do what you thought you never could. Revealing Jesus by spreading love, hope, and faith.