Monthly Feature Article my interview with Deborah Lassiter, Dovetales
As a Daughter of the King, I am honored to have this open dialogue as a means to minister and enrich the lives of women all across the nation. You see - I know what it is like to have your heart shattered in what feels like a million pieces by the one you loved. I know what it is like to unjustly lose your job which you faithfully served for over 15 years because of "Abuse of Power." I know what it's like to go from one job rejection to the next, though you are highly qualified for the position. Likewise, I understand when you're treated as if you are not good enough. Beloved, you are not alone.
Precious - God will take what the enemy meant to crush your spirit to propel you into His plan and purpose He has designed for your life. The Lord has delivered and set me free from being in an abusive relationship which resulted in me being set-up and betrayed by my church leaders - from a single parent on welfare to an aspiring Author all due to trusting Him no matter what. The same God who did this for me, expect Him to do this and more for you! Come... Let us journey together and enrich each other's lives.
I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, And my soul knows it well. (Psalms 139:14)
Though your heart has been shattered in what seems to be a million pieces, God will not leave you nor will He forsake you. Beloved - Before any pian touches your life, it already has pierced His hands. Now -Your past isn't what defines you. Your current circumstances, whether good or bad, isn't what defines you, either. When God looks at you, He sees beauty and inner strength you may not see, perhaps because of low self-esteem. And sometimes to realize just how resilient you are, you have to go through inexplicable pain and heartache. During such times, it's God's using this season to mold and shapes you into the woman of God He anointed you to be before the foundation of the world. It's an opportunity to shine amid tough times and gain a deeper dependency upon the Lord.
Dearest Sister, it's time to arise and take your life back and be who God desires you to be. The Lord insists on you being you. The most horrible things about you, God knows. The worst and most unattractive behaviors and habits about you, God knows. His ultimate desire is to bring out the best in you. The Lord desires to abide in you. Come unto Him and allow His love to lavish you and set you free. You'll experience a love like you never had before. God loves you! You mean the world to Him.
I'm Available to Speak at Women's Retreats, Conventions, Women Conferences and Workshops/Seminars, Book Clubs
Likewise, I welcome the opportunity to be interviewed.
Vernita, Author/Publishing Consultant & Speaker