Lord, I Love You!
First and foremost, I give thanks and admiration to God and Jesus, my Savior for touching me when I was a small child. I'm grateful for You providing those persons in my life who played an essential part in reaching this milestone in the production of my book. Lord, this is all Your handiwork. You breathed on me these amazing gifts and talents of inspirational writings, teachings, and dancing that touch and inspire lives while; bringing them closer to You and ministers of Your Amazing Love and Forgiving Grace. Lord, I couldn't live a day without You and for this, I give You praise! it is because of You I am an Author/Publisher & Speaker.
Chaitanya Bhange - Thanks for giving me the chance to comment on such an expressive article. I want you to continue to write such articles and inspire others. Hope I am not expecting wrong and much of you.
Mary Barnes - Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Vernita has given us hope, edified, and thrown out lifelines to those of us who have felt like we were sinking. One day, I'm going to give you a bear hug!
Cher Duncombe - You are like a reflection pool, glowing in the positive and transcending all obstacles. Your reflection then glows in others.
Mark Howard - Absolutely fabulously! Thank you for all you do for us all in this world.

Harvey and Jackie Lott - My wife, Jackie, and I met Minister Vernita when we became members at Beth-El Love Christian Center in Orange, NJ. It was not long before we noticed how mighty this quiet and humble servant of Jesus Christ really is. She has written original plays that have successfully led people to Christ. She has organized concerts and Praise and Worship conferences. The list is a lengthy but living testimony of her love for God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Even in the struggles, she has overcome them with praise. We consider her not only an example of faith and mentor, but a true inspiration to serve God fully.
LYNN "Omnipeace" - Praise the Lord my dearest sister in Christ. I am elated to have been a part of this journey with you. Vernita, you have certainly allowed God to use you to bring forth this prolific inspiration of writing that shall free a lot of folks in getting to know him for the first time or rekindle their relationship with him- again. I am so elated with your chapter about forgiveness for the world has gotten it wrong in believing forgiveness does not require forgetting. It is purely part of the process. From your biblical-based writings, when one forgives another, it is just freeing s the one being forgiven.
Lisa Castrracane - Ms. Venita writes with such heart-filled passion. I look forward to her writings since they provide inspiration and encouragement to the heart, mind, and soul. Ms. Vernita derives her strength from the Lord. She captures his spirit in her writings by spreading love, hope, faith. She reminds us that no matter what storm we are going through that we are never alone and things will get better. She is a guiding light through the darkness. Her teachings remind me of TD Jakes of the Potter Hous, telling people to get ready for their breakthrough, or Joel Osteen who says; "if God has put a period on something don't put a question mark on it, but accept the blessing." We may not always see what we are going through as a blessing but, we become stronger because of it. I wish Vernita all the best in her future endeavors. She will continue to touch people with her teachings and be a blessing on her spiritual journey throughout life.
Raven Price - I can say nothing but good things about Vernita. This woman is the epitome of grace and happiness. I'm totally jealous!!! From the first day we meet online, Vernita has encouraged me with love and inspiration. When she began freelancing inspirational articles and had them published online, I was charmed and captivated. Her words ring true throughout my being and I share and repost her loving words throughout social media. Everyone needs love and acceptance and this woman knows how to dish it out in a Christian manner that is not condemning or pretentious. I count Vernita as a true blessing that walked in my life. You would too if you let her inside your heart. God Bless!
Kathy Smith- Feature Manager of Faith Filled Family Magazine -Vernita Simmons is a blessing to FFFM, first of all, her writing skills; but even more importantly, her bright positive attitude. She is an inspiration to those who work with her. She is punctual and thorough in all she does. Congratulations on your new book Vernita, I trust it will be a blessing to all.
David Allan - Publisher of InCourage Community Christian Service Worker.org
Vernita's heartfelt devotional contributions have been well received and popularly appreciated by readers of EnCourage - our journal for workers in Christian service. When we post Vernita's inspirational articles to our social media sites we note that they receive an above normal positive engagement from our subscribers. Vernita taps into the spiritual source that refreshes and rejuvenates the souls and minds of those who serve in the Name of Christ.