Developing relationships is a gift from God. Besides, Proverbs 27:17, NLT says, As iron sharpens iron, So one person sharpens another. And the Bible has countless lessons on some who formed an incredible bond with that rare person who had a tremendous impact on their lives. One such story is Naomi and Ruth. Though they both were widows, Ruth’s devotion to her mother-in-law is a testament to what happens when people appreciate their differences and allow nothing to separate them. It can be between siblings, friends, and even co-workers. And likewise, neighbors.
Several years ago, I asked God to bring people into my life who would hold me accountable for my actions. He answered my prayer with five anointed and astounding women who never failed to show me the priceless blessing of rare people. They were there to celebrate my grandest milestones and even walk with me through the most horrific season of my life. One remains present in my life today and still is loyal, reliable, and a gift from God. She is the one I can talk to about anything, and I trust her implicitly.
We all need somebody who shows up at the right time, like Ruth did for Naomi. She left her home in Moab to be a part of Naomi’s world. Ruth had no idea what that entailed. Still, she willingly gave up everything to be there for Naomi during a time when Naomi needed Ruth the most. However, Naomi did not know how much she needed Ruth.
Like Naomi helped Ruth through her time of grief after her husband died, Ruth was there for Naomi to help her get through the hard times. When they arrived back in Bethlehem, Naomi was depressed and changed her name from pleasant to Mara, which meant bitter. (Ruth 1:19-21). She even felt God had afflicted her. She had spoken those words from her pain. She had no idea how complete her life would be. Neither the role Ruth would play in their unbelievable future.
Ruth stayed in Naomi’s life to see them go from hard times to the best times. When she gleaned in the field of Boaz, she had no idea how her kind gesture would transform their lives for the better. Upon hearing whose field Ruth had worked in, Naomi, a woman of wisdom and foresight, put a plan in action, sealing their future forever. (Ruth 3:1-5, AMP)
Ruth caught Boaz’s attention, and He had heard about all she did for her mother-in-law. He was captivated by her. An instant attraction developed, and he became fully committed to her. He valued Ruth and did everything in his power to redeem her. That redemption process resulted in a marriage where Ruth became the great-grandmother of King David, the descendant of Jesus Christ. As Ruth was a keeper for Naomi, so was she to Boaz. And so are these rare and beautiful people God brings into our lives. (Ruth 3:10-14).
It is as if they heard you praying and showed up at the right time. Or you received a phone call, and their encouragement soothed your soul. Then, there are those times when they do not ask - they do something so unbelievable it leaves you speechless. They are reliable, tell you the truth when you do not want to hear it and stay even during your best times. They are hand-picked by God and a friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24).
Shirley and I have been friends for over twenty-five years. Though I have other close friends, nobody knows me like Shirley, and I still confide in her things that I share with nobody else. God loves us so much He will strategically place people in our lives. These precious souls are the ones who are a fine example of His unconditional love. Those of us who have these individuals are blessed indeed.
I pray the song, Relate by stirs King & Country touches your heart and encourage you.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: God created us to be relational, not isolated. What attributes do we need to build strong bonds with others who blame God for their plight? Please encourage someone today and leave your response in the comments below. Hit that heart and share. Thank you kindly!
