Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord. (Psalms 27:14, AMP).
Waiting on something could be a short or long period. Most of us can handle this season for fifteen minutes or a few days. Still, anything over that, and you’ll discover how impatient you are. Waiting implies a delay that you did not hope for, nor had expected. Though you knew this situation would not happen overnight when the schedule given to you becomes longer than told, this may create frustration.
Beloved, I come with good news today. This waiting period will be the greatest time of your life. Your answer appears as if it will never come, but you are not standing by for naught. Something is going on behind the scenes that you don’t perceive. God has hidden it from you because this is not the moment for the unveiling. Likewise, He has planned something for you that is more than what you asked Him. I know this because some while ago, the Lord encouraged me when He said, the longer the wait, the greater the blessing.
1. Like you, I have been waiting for something that has taken much longer than predicted. Still, I could have gotten angry, discouraged, and taken matters into my hands. But the longer I wait, I find myself at peace. The Lord keeps showing me this purpose for this season that allows me to let patience have its way. (James 1:2-4, AMP). He even says to count it all joy. Isn’t that better than dwelling on wrong thoughts?
So, one reason is that I am not the only one waiting, and neither are you. When we look at the bigger picture, we recognize we are not in this alone. Likewise, as we persevere with a grateful heart, the Lord uses this period to teach us valuable lessons. For example, we can encourage others who are experiencing a delay. As we share; our experiences without complaining, this inspires them not to demand but to be still and know He is God. (Psalms 46:10).
So, we minister to somebody other than ourselves. Sometimes we may never know how stressed somebody is and how waiting with a heart of kindness lifts; them from despair. Besides, a time will come when we will need someone to be patient with us. Therefore, how we treat anybody during this season determines how they treat us.
2. Another benefit is discovering we need to grow in an area we thought we could handle with grace and dignity. We admit we are human and not as anchored to deal with this as we assumed we should be. It shows us our vulnerability and for God to help us get through this without interfering and ending up making everything worse.
3. It empowers you not to believe anyone who says God has you waiting to punish you. Beloved, nothing can be further from the truth. Your steadfast perseverance keeps fear from overruling your heart. With this attitude, you are rejecting the lies from the enemy as he tells you if the Lord loved you, He wouldn’t have you waiting. Therefore, your faithfulness shows the world that victory is in waiting with confidence in God.
4. Our faith increases as we realize our dependency on God because He has appointed a set time for the outcome. His ways are not our ways; nor is He ever late nor deaf to our cries. (Isaiah 55:8-9). Beloved, when the Lord comes through, it will be beyond anything you asked. It will be everything you hoped for and more than you imagined.
My Friend, you are coming to a moment in history where you are at peace during this waiting season. You start singing His praises instead of overthinking. You are speaking faith and not doubt, which makes you wait with grand expectations. The Lord even does something new in you through this process, which turns you into a resilient and wiser person. So, wait until you see why God had you wait; you will be glad He answered you at His perfect time.
I pray the song; Not Done Yet by Vertical Worship ignites a passion in you to wait on the Lord.
Beloved, help us encourage somebody today. Tell us how this inspirational reading has encouraged you. Leave your comments, hit that heart, and share.
