We know according to scripture … Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. (Hebrews 11:1, AMP). These words are easier said than put into action; at the time; we need to the most. Still, faith is an assignment from God and moves at His command. And when we agree in faith with the written Word of God, faith responds. So, faith can move mountains, but your doubts can create them.
Faith and doubt are both powerful forces. Faith is the title deed of whatever you hope for, while doubt is in opposition, planting the worst-case scenario in your mind. Faith and doubt are in constant conflict because faith in God guarantees victory. Doubt makes you overthink, which causes you to believe something that is not there. Faith sees the end; the Lord sees and knows in due season, God turns everything around for your good. Doubt plays games with your physical senses and embeds thoughts and images in your mind that take you far from the presence of God. During such times, doubt can convince you He cannot move the unmovable mountain because if He loves you, He would have never put it there. It makes you think this is too hard for the Lord to solve.
Here is when you need to summon the strength to listen to that still small voice of Jesus who says, No weapon formed shall prosper. When doubt tells you, you’ve waited long enough and; it knows a better way to get your answer, that is the time to submit to the Lord and resist the devil, and He will flee. (James 4:7). Stay in constant communication with your Father through prayer and His Word because doubt already knows the outcome will be in your favor. It wants you to doubt so it can steal, kill, and destroy. Still, God has come so you can live more abundantly. (John 10:10). So, your faith may have to go through the stretching season for some time, but do not surrender to doubt because it recognizes you are victorious! Beloved, do not allow doubt to create what is not there because God has greater for you. Beloved, do not allow doubt to create what is not there because God has His absolute best for you.
Knowing that faith and doubt are enemies, what are some other ways we can combat doubt? Tell us your story. Leave your comment, hit that heart, and share.
I pray the song; Faithful Now by Vertical Worship stirs your heart and wipes away any doubt.
