God places the most unusual call on some of us. That call comes with an anointing that will cause some to reject us while countless others will never be the same. It could take you into the most remote places where you are persecuted for the sake of the Call. Nevertheless, you must answer the call.
Years ago, a young lady told me she wanted to be anointed like me. I asked, do you want to suffer? My friend, you don't know my story. And you probably would not believe it if you heard it. So, be careful about desiring the anointing God has on someone else's life because you do not know the sacrifice they paid for it.
I thought about my leader, Bishop Vanessa, who God has anointed and called to be the pastor of DJICC. She could not get up every Sunday and teach as she does without the anointing and approval of God. She came to being pastor under extreme circumstances. She could have resisted and said, Lord, I can't do this. Yet, God thrust her into that position. He did this, and He makes no mistakes. She was not even looking for this; definitely not how she came to be a leader.
When God thrusts you into a position, you must trust He knows what is best for you. He has confidence in you and sees something in you - you do not see in yourself. That's a good thing because if it is you exalting yourself, you will come to utter ruin. However, when God exalts you, He grants you unprecedented favor, carries you through every season of life, and even makes your enemies your footstool. The Lord will take you further than you have ever been. (Esther 2:8-9; 17-19; Isaiah 43:1-2; Matthew 23:12).
So, stop judging somebody because of the anointing God has on their life. Stop resisting someone because God thrust them into a ministry that you feel they are unqualified to have. Ephesians 4:11-16 tells us the Lord appointed and set up the 5-fold Ministry. Whoever God calls who are we to question His authority? Besides, God does not call those who are qualified. However, the Lord qualifies those He calls.
To everyone whom God has called, anointed, and appointed, do not resist what He has chosen you to do. Serve the Lord with all your heart and Soul. Serve Him with gladness as you come before His presence with singing. Serve Him wholeheartedly because you work for Him and not the people. (Deuteronomy 10:12; Psalms 100:1-5; Ephesians 6:7-8). There is no higher calling than being the shepherd God has chosen you to be. (1 Timothy 4:13-16)
I pray the song, Send Me by River Valley Worship, stirs your heart to rise and accept the call God placed on you.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Somebody knows God has a call on their life, but they feel unqualified and afraid. What words of encouragement will you give them to ease their fears? Please leave your comment below, hit that heart, and share this devotional.
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