We will have many opportunities to minister to countless others. What we do with such an occasion can be the difference between healing or losing a soul. Souls are depending on us to let our light shine for Jesus. Even if some reject the message of the gospel of Christ, this is irrelevant. It is still our responsibility to plant and water those seeds. Beloved, how are you affecting lives? Do you take the chance God gives you to plant seeds into the lives of others?
No matter the condition of the world, Jesus saw souls. He never ceased to minister to them. Everywhere Jesus went, Christ planted seeds. (Matthew 9:36-37, AMP). Some ways He gives us to do this may be inconvenient and uncomfortable. It might come with the force of opposition because they don't want to hear what we have to say. It could be in a remote place where they oppose Christians.
Like Apollos and Paul, God has given us a task that includes cultivating those seeds. It may be talking to somebody who blames God for their plight. Hearing your words of comfort, mercy, and grace could touch them in ways you may never know. It might be by sharing our experiences with others. Then, this may be soil already planted by someone else, and we are merely adding seeds of faith into their lives. We are His cultivated field, working together for the same purpose.
What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Just servants through whom you believed [in Christ], even as the Lord appointed to each his task. 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was causing the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:6-8)
Once we plant those seeds, we may never see or hear from that person again. However, the Lord will not allow our seed of faith to go without an impact. When we make the time to fellowship with the hurting and even the resistance, God uses that to affect their lives. Then, someone else waters, and this process continues as souls are transformed.
Sometimes, it may seem your planting is not making a difference, which causes you to get frustrated. Does God have you in that person's life to plant a seed? Every kind deed you do for them is making a difference. It is affecting their heart posture. No matter how it may seem, keep planting those seeds because it may be years before you see the extent of the design God is creating through your planting.
There is a great big world out here, and the harvest is ripe and hungry for righteousness. And the Bible says they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6). Every time you pray with someone, encourage someone, or listen to their concerns, you are planting seeds. When you use your time to help somebody, you are planting seeds. You are planting seeds when you respond to their plight with love and kindness instead of judgment and condemnation. Remember, God sees the end from the beginning. Nothing you are planting is in vain. Their lives will never be the same because you planted the seed, now God will make it grow.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: What should our attitude be when planting a seed of faith with those who oppose the gospel of Christ? Please add your answer in the comment, hit that heart, and share.
