Thanksgiving is a time of reflection. As of today, this glorious holiday is 31 days before Christmas and 38 days before the New Year. Though many see this festive holiday as an opportunity to be grateful, echoes of the past can cause pain and despair. Your present looks hopeless, and the future holds no assurance of anything getting better. As you reflect on what you have endured up to today, some may see nothing to be thankful for.
Thanksgiving should continuously overflow from your heart, regardless of what you’ve experienced. Thus, I am sharing this heartfelt message a few days before the grand event to encourage you to consider how blessed you are. Whatever we have had to endure - to come this far with a heart beating in our chest and lungs to breathe in and out, Sweet Jesus, that is beyond anything any of us can comprehend. In all things, let us give Him thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:18, AMP).
Let’s start with your delicious meal. Depending on your culture, your meal may include a dish another does not. However, preparing it can fill the home with such a sweet aroma. But this is not the first meal you have partaken of this year. You have enjoyed the comfort of many meals. From traditional to trying something you have never tasted, the Lord has blessed your palate with a delectable choice of cuisine. Give God thanks for how full your cabinets are.
Some seasons have been better than others, and the comfort of family and friends has been refreshing. You have embraced each other after losing loved ones. And when you thought you could not handle it anymore, His peace that makes no sense consumed your heart, assuring you that you are never alone in your sorrow. (Philippians 4:7, AMP). Someone brought a meal, others phoned at the precise time you needed encouragement. Still, others sat and listened without saying a word. Their silence and understanding were worth more than gold.
You have gathered in church, basking in the sweet presence of the Lord, and sharing the gospel of Christ with others, not of your faith. Some people did not even know what tomorrow would bring, yet the Lord provided their daily bread. Our cup runneth over. (Matthew 6:11; Psalms 23:5, ESV). Thank the Lord for your relationships because their priceless values show someone cares.
Things may not have gone as you thought, but God saw the ending before the beginning. The outcome that has left you in despair and unbelief does not surprise Him. Why are you cast down, Beloved? Why are you anxious and fearful? Put your hope in the Lord and wait with great expectations because He safeguards us from harm and guides us through challenging times. (Psalms 42:5, ESV). He is our refuge and strength and is always available to help us. So, we look to Jesus, where all our help comes from. (Psalms 46:1-3, 121:1-2).
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but the Lord’s purpose prevails. (Proverbs 19:21). Besides, our future does not hinge on our finances, health, the government, or who we know. Like He did for the Israelites in the wilderness, He has gathered sufficient provisions for what we need. Dear One, everything we need is waiting for us tomorrow. (Exodus 16:16-18). You have a profound history with Him, so remind yourself of His victories because of what He did in the past, He will do greater for your future. Trust God no matter what and leave the hereafter in His hands. Oh, come, let us adore Him and give thanks for all He has done.
Have a blessed and glorious Thanksgiving!
I pray that the song; Give Thanks by Don Moen stirs your heart to reflect on how blessed you are.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Disappointment can cause despair, especially when things do not turn out as somebody hoped. What words of encouragement can you leave somebody on this festive holiday to bring them hope? Please offer your support to them today. Leave your comment below, hit that heart, and share this uplifting message with others.
You never know how the Lord will use your hardships and sufferings to open doors and use them as an avenue to minister to countless others. The very thing you never saw yourself becoming is the ministry God will birth through you to save countless others. What an incredible story to read during this Thanksgiving holiday season.
