The coronavirus is here in the United States and is causing fear and panic. This is not good. It’s creating price gauging, oil prices to plummet, colleges and universities to close early for spring break, even effecting the financial market. I am compelled to urge you to stay calm. Educate yourself and take necessary precautions such as washing your hands, cover when you cough or sneeze. But be aware of the misinformation that leads to dread and hysteria.
Too many are talking about COVID 19 as it has more power than God. I understand your concern, but we should allow no sickness to shake our faith in Him. Beloved, overcome your fears by believing Psalms 91:3, 6, 10-11. I shared this in church Sunday and Bible Study last night. A pestilence is a deadly disease that affects an entire community. This virus has an incredible effect making people feel unsafe and afraid. I realize not everyone has the same level of belief in the Lord. You can declare you believe in Him, but when something like this happens, you’ll discover where you stand in your faith in God.
I hope you touch and declare the afore mention scriptures over you, your family and the world daily. I proclaim to the devil that this sickness will not come near me. Satan, I didn’t summon you nor invite you into my life. I didn’t respond to a knock on my door and say, come in coronavirus, have a full reign in my body. Enter and infest me with fever and respiratory illness. I welcome you to develop into pneumonia in my lungs, multi-organ failure. And while you’re at it, cause my death. The devil is a perpetual liar who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10). This illness can’t live where the Holy Spirit dwells. What God says in His Word, I’m crazy enough to believe it. I take authority over it and render this harmless. It’s under my feet and a defeated foe.
Beloved, if God’s Spirit dwells in you, why are you going by what the media says? Why are you having negative conversations regarding this disease? Why are you permitting dreadful news to govern your emotions? The news has its place, but sometimes your mind needs a break from all the terrible reports from the local broadcast. I realize they have to keep us updated because it’s poor judgment to know of such an illness and not inform the public. They are likewise reporting awful predictions based on their opinions. Scriptures warn of the effect of the words we say. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” (Proverbs 18:21). The expressions you speak have tremendous impact and repercussions. Stick to the truth and don't use this to scare anybody. There is such a thing as too much information. This is causing more panic.
Someone on a Christian radio station said panic is good, but I disagree. The Bible tells us, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].” (2 Timothy 1:7). How is panic good when it doesn’t keep you at rest and bring peace to your mind? When combined with fear, it causes you to overthink the worst-case scenario. You behave in ways you wouldn’t. You’re anxious, easily agitated, and on edge. Consistent bad news sends you in a tailspin while making you dwell on a grim outcome. Whereas when you trust in God, you experience tranquility and serenity. My confidence is in the Lord because I have a history with Him. So, be cautious and stay aware, take every day preventive actions, but don’t magnify this virus and declare horrible results. Encourage yourself in the Lord. Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good (encouraging) word makes it glad. (Proverbs 12:25).
I pray the musical selection, Waging War by CeCe Winans stirs your heart.
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