Beloved, we must remain vigilant during this time of quarantine. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8, NASB). It’s not the moment to back up and pull back on wearing the mask. Nor should we stop the practice of social distancing and prevent limiting public gatherings. As of today, there are 29.5 million cases in our country and 534K deaths. In 1918, they estimated that the influenza pandemic worldwide infested 550M people. It was better known as the 1918 H1N1 virus. The death toll is said to have been 50M, with 675, 000 of those in the United States. Unlike now, they didn’t have a vaccine to administer against this sickness. Neither were any antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections. The government applied what they are doing now to help slow the spread of the disease, such as good personal hygiene, isolation and using disinfectants. Even with the high technology and advanced medicine we have, the difference in the number of deaths in America is only 141,000. That’s alarming!
Texas has had 2.7M cases and 46, 532 deaths, and yet their governor feels it’s safe to not make it mandatory to wear a mask and to allow social gatherings. It is good that millions have been vaccinated and the number of incidents and death have had a slight decline. This is not a reason to return to business as usual. COVUD-19 still exists and is dangerous. Even President Biden’s prediction to mark July 4th as our independence from this virus is a form of false hope. Nobody, not even he knows when it will cease and desist.
Our government should make every reasonable effort to help our democracy through this crisis. We need to see that in tough times they won’t crave under pressure and pretend everything is fine. We’ve already seen enough of what happens when leadership ignores injustices, social and economic inequality. We have observed the insanity of leaders doing things the same way and expecting a different result. Our nation is in the condition it is because of these governmental heads, both Democratic and Republican, who convince themselves they know better than God what’s best for this country.
Having the vaccine does not mean it will eradicate it by July. Beloved, I caution you to continue to stay resilient and cautious. Think of others and keep wearing your mask; while avoiding large gatherings. Don’t let up from practicing social distancing and place your trust in God and not man. Therefore, let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12, ESV).
I pray the musical selection; songs of hope and healing by Don Moen stirs your heart and faith in God.
