Once in a while, a song, book, or film leaves an extraordinary impact on my life. It stirs my heart, and though nobody requests me to do so, I can’t resist endorsing it. Do Something by Matthew West is one such musical choice. So, here’s what it means to me.
America’s on the break of collapse. It’s not the country God created it to be. How did we get so far from God’s holy plan? They have slaughtered millions of children in abortions while they sell others into slavery or sex trafficking. Cops killing unarmed black men while their superiors do nothing. Violence runs rampant as if Satan’s been let loose from being bound a thousand years. Countless hearts of many are hardened and callous and want no mention of God. So why don’t you do something? I'm disturbed by these evil actions.
You think since God is good, why doesn’t He do something? It’s easy to blame Him for the sins of the world. Besides, He’s The Almighty and has the power to amend. But He has done the unimaginable. He created you and me. We’re in His image and placed in this world to be His hands and feet. Now, it’s our responsibility to do something. If not you, then who? If not us, there’s no hope of change. We can’t sit still anymore doing nothing So why don’t you do something?
Stop badmouthing the President and run for office. God’s given you skills to impact the world. You complain and dump your garbage on the ears of anyone willing to listen. You don’t like how the politicians do their job, become one, and make a change. It’s your season to take a stand and do something.
You get angry at racism and injustice and pound your fist in rage. You take matters into your hands, spilling your anger, hostility throughout the world at will. Fight for social change in a way that pleases the Lord. Using the skills and knowledge you have, write your elected officials. Attend the community meeting and voice your opinion with respect and dignity. Be part of a peaceful protest and speak against such madness without malice and resentment. Stop trying to guilt-trip others into doing what you should do.
You’re tired and disgusted by the living conditions of your neighborhood. Champion a cause that allows meaningful dialogue. This happened when I lived at the Walter G. Alexander Complex. Drug dealers had tried to take control. My daughter had begun middle school, but I knew God placed me there for a purpose. He open access to talking to the residents and listening to their concerns. The Lord empowered me to start a petition and send it to the NJ Senators. I sent letters to President Clinton, who was Commander-in-Chief. Though they did nothing, it didn’t stop us. Mother Martha Sheldon and I began a Bible Study. The Director allowed me to start an After-School Program. Collaborating with Ms. Eula Penn, the principal of Oakwood Avenue School, during that time, we saw parents become more involved with their children’s education. We witness God restore and reform the community and evict the enemy. So, do something and help rebuild your town.
Whatever your plight may be, your silence and tolerance send the message you agree with such degrading acts of immorality and infringing on civil liberties. Stop waiting on somebody to do something. Stop complaining while doing nothing. Get involved and be a model contributor to bring change to a world plagued with sin, hatred, racism, and injustice.
Everyone has the means to help bring reform. God calls us to share in His mission and pour out His love on the earth. (Matthew 4:19). We are the salt and light, a city that sits on a hill. We won’t change the world by remaining silent, hoping for somebody to do our part, and standing still. We have to do something. Yes, I’m doing something.
Here are ways you can minister the mercy of God.
Uplift and encourage someone.
Check on your neighbors.
Adopt a child or become a Foster Parent. Volunteer your service. God’s given you the ability to help others.
Comfort and heal the hurting.
Feed the hungry. Forgive whoever offended you or your loved one.
Serve with grace and dignity on a committee or an organization. Donate to a worthy cause.
More than anything, use your words and actions to leave behind a residue of God’s love. We should use whatever power and influence to speak and defend those human society disregards as if they’re meaningless.
Go into the world stained with violence, civil unrest, hate, and racism. (1 Corinthians 11:1). Uplift, courage, bring hope, and comfort. Every day, use an opportunity to share the loving gospel of Christ. Follow me as I imitate Christ and do something.
Question for Reflection
There are several causes who are extremists acting under the umbrella of social change. Their primary concern is pushing an agenda that creates more hostility and division. Whenever the outcome isn't to their liking they respond with hatred and violence.
What attributes should a worthy cause have?
Can you help me encourage someone today? Please comment, share, and hit the heart to show your support. Thank you kindly, Beloved
I pray this musical selection stirs your heart.
