This morning I went out to attend important business. Even though the temperature was in the low 40s, it’s a pleasant day. What I witnessed made me even prouder to be an America. I don’t drive, so I use NJ Transit. We had to board the bus at the rear entrance. And they didn’t charge any fare. They had tapped the first two rows of chairs off, and we partook of our social distancing.
It was a warm and friendly climate. The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.” (Exodus 14:14, AMP). Every place I went, the workers were pleasant, patient, and joyful. Even as I passed people on the street, they were calm. Dunkin Donuts, yes, I couldn’t resist stopping to purchase a cup of coffee, gave the customers a discount. I noticed individuals exercising their safe distances as we stood in line at each place.
I’m seizing this moment to give a Shout Out to each person in the world who provides public transportation, to those in the medical field, the workers at the Post Office, law enforcement, and for every business that continues to keep their establishment open during this crisis. "We give thanks to God always for all of you, continually mentioning you in our prayers.” (1 Thessalonians 1:2, AMP). You are a blessing and a classic example of the love of God on the earth. Let’s take a second to thank the Lord for their services as they place themselves in harm’s way. And don’t forget to check on your neighbors. I live in a Senior building and am the Floor Captain, a position I am honored they asked me to do. So, I make my rounds more regular during this unusual time.
To observe a calm atmosphere in such a time as this offers proof that something good comes from CORVID-19. It’s the moment for everybody to band together and be an example of the love of God. Everyone should do their part in eliminating any anxiety while replacing it with encouragement. Acts of kindness and thoughtfulness turn worry into hope. So, I’m asking you to share with us what positive occurrences have you seen from the effects of this virus and social distancing? Please leave your comment below as such is encouraging.
I pray the musical choice, Be Strong Take Courage by Dom Moen, touch you.
Stop by the RESOURCE LOUNGE and fill your heart with a good piece of literature to read during this time.
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