When you receive a prompt in your spirit to reach out to someone, I urge you to act and do so. It could be the last opportunity to speak to them. The recent news of the passing of Mandisa and something Toby Mack said, reinforces the importance of nurturing our interpersonal relationships. Her music and story impacted my life tremendously, and I will miss her dearly. Still, his words prompted me to reach out to a dear friend to say, you were not alone.
Between our hectic lives and the situations we go through, sometimes, we can lose touch with our loved ones and friends for different reasons. Something as simple as someone failing to respond to our messages, we might take it personally and assume they are ignoring us. Still, it is crucial to remember what you have together is a testament to how much they value you. Even if someone appears to be distancing themselves, we should avoid overthinking. That overthinking can cause us to jump to the wrong conclusions.
Here's the thing - God placed a nurturing spirit in me that causes me to be the one who cannot resist reaching out to others. That, my friend, is a unique but valuable asset to any relationship. If you have such a heart, cherish it and act on it regardless of how often you feel the need to. If I love and care about someone, you will never wonder where my heart lies because my actions will speak for themselves. Dear One, do not allow the enemy to cause you to question someone's actions and come between you and someone you care about.
Understanding that someone needs time to themselves is a good thing. However, do not confuse giving someone space with genuinely reaching out with no ulterior motive. Having somebody in your life who loves and supports you unconditionally is a priceless gift from God. You need not be ashamed you have it. (Romans 12:10). While we should not overdo it, everybody needs somebody who thinks the world of them and does not mind showing it. Those with this gift are a true blessing and a source of encouragement that all of us need. (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Small gestures like sending a song, a devotional, or just saying, I am thinking about you can mean more than you know to someone. It could be a card, a phone call, or an unexpected visit, but all that matters is that it comes from your heart. Beloved, never measure your actions on the reactions of others because sometimes your impact may be much more incredible than you realize. So, do not become discouraged if you do not recieve a response. Dear One, continue to show how committed and dedicated you are to the relationship because that will make a difference.
Caring for others is a delightful experience, not a burden. When God created Adam, he said it was not good for him to be alone - so He created him a helper suitable for him. (Genesis 2:18). We all need somebody to talk to, laugh with, and share our life with. I'm not referring to a spouse or someone to date. Relationships are more than that. And everybody needs somebody who does not mind showing someone how valuable they are. When God blesses you with rare and precious souls, never cease to let them know how much you love and appreciate them. Your presence in their life does matter, and God makes no mistakes.
I pray the musical selection Back to Life, by Mandisa, stirs your heart and reminds you that because of God you can lay down all your defenses and step into His victory.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Is it possible God is using this inspiring message to prompt you to call somebody? You might be the one He speaks through to encourage them.
