And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9, ESV)
Quitting is never an option for anybody who does not give up. That is not who we are. And once I put my mind to doing anything, beloved, there is no stopping me. Besides, my resilience comes from my Big Mama. I admired how she never let being blind stop her from achieving her goals. She was a spectacular pillar of the community. And when you are raised by someone with such faith in God and tenacity, it inspires and empowers you.
So, to anyone struggling with achieving your dreams or goals, do not allow your failures to discourage you. My Friend, when you fail, it opens the door to show you another way to do something. It is why, I can't, must not be in your vocabulary because you can do all things through Christ, who gives you strength. (Philippians 4:13, AMP). Likewise, you will not know what you can do until you try. I am sure you will surprise yourself. It is something I always said to my students. Because children learn in different ways, when one method did not work, the Lord gave me another idea. I used acting and singing techniques, and they thrived.
And neither should you wait for everything to be perfect. These actions will only result in missing an opportunity of a lifetime. Dear One, use those skills, knowledge, and potential and go further than you have. And stop listening to those voices in your head because they will stop you from the promising future the Lord has for you. We do not gain victory without facing battles. Still, overcoming those challenges is the only way for God to do the impossible through you. Besides, Jesus will never give up on you, so do not give up on trusting Him. He wants to show you off!
