God is never blind to your tear, deaf to your prayers, nor silent to your pain. He sees, hears, and He will deliver! (Isaiah 43:19, AMP).

If God can turn the Red Sea into the most glorious waterfall eyes have ever seen, what can't He do? The Bible has countless stories of God coming through for the Israelites when they were; up against unbeatable odds. Come, walk with me down Memory Lane. We have the story of David and Goliath. Oh, that giant boasted about how he would smash that little shepherd boy to pieces and feed him as a tasty meal to the beasts of the field. He laughed at David because he thought it was ridiculous of him to even come in his presence. David ran toward his enemy and slung one stone; that embedded deep into Goliath's head. Then he dared to take Goliath's sword and cut off his head. Talk about holy boldness! (1 Samuel 17: 11-54, Note 48-50).
Beloved, sometimes, you need the courage to run to the adversary instead of running away. David recounted his victories to King Saul and knew with no doubt that God would do it again. He had already wrestled with a lion and; a bear and; came out unharmed and victorious. (1 Samuel 17:34-36). Remember, like David, you, too; have a history with the goodness of God. Though it looks like you lost the battle before it began, it does not belong to you. The Almighty has overcome your enemy, and you shall be triumphant. So, the Israelites defeated the Philistines and plundered their camp.
What of Caleb and Joshua, who came to the land where there were giants. All the hosts thought no way could they take the land; because of those gigantic creatures, the Nephilim, the sons of Anak who dwelled there. They brought back a good report of the condition of the land. Indeed, it was a land of abundance, still; because of the giants and the city was fortified, they felt it would be ludicrous to try and conquer it. (Numbers 13:17-33). They saw themselves as grasshoppers before those people. The people wept and began to complain, again against Moses and Aaron. They even believed it would be better to choose another leader and return to Egypt. It is a common reaction when you take your eyes off the Lord and magnify your problems.
The spirit of the Lord came upon Joshua and Caleb. They were outraged over how fearful their clan had become. They recalled how bountiful the area was. They warned them not to rebel against the Lord nor fear the people. These men assured them those who dwelled there because they were bread for them. Likewise, God had removed the protection from them and given it to His people. (Numbers 14:1-10). The Israelites still wanted to stone Joshua and Caleb. Sometimes, the evidence of what you think is impossible to overcome can be so overwhelming it blinds you to the truth. They could not get the image of those giants and the walled city out of their minds. It became more powerful than what they had seen at the hands of God. What do you do when the people refuse to walk by faith and go by their sight? Hopefully, you have a leader like Moses who interceded on behalf of the people. So, for God's namesake and Moses, the Lord does pardon, but those who; put Him to the test would not see the promised land. (Numbers 14:13-25). Still, it would be a while before they possess the land. Their unbelief delayed the blessing, but it could not deny this.
In time, God assures Joshua He would fulfill the covenant He made with His servant Moses. Likewise, God affirms the faith He has in Joshua. In Joshua 1:1-9, He commissions Joshua while foretelling his promising victorious future.
God confirms that everywhere his feet tread will be theirs, and it is a massive territory.
No man would be able to oppose him because, as He was with Moses, He would be with Joshua. God's presence will be forever with Joshua because He would not abandon him.
He even promises He cannot fail. Therefore, Joshua would succeed at whatever he puts his hands-on doing.
The Lord encourages Joshua to be strong and courageous and keep The commands He gave to Moses. He is not to allow anything to cause him to abandon the faith. His prosperity and success would depend on adhering to these commands.
Most importantly, keep the book of Law in his heart, meditating on it day and night and carrying out every truth it contains.
God reminds him to be resilient and not fearful because He is with him wherever he goes.
The Lord instructs Joshua to lead them into the promised land within three days. He gives the speech of a lifetime that changes the hearts and minds of the people. Having seen the results of murmuring and complaining against God, they are ready to submit and do whatever Joshua commands them. They consecrate themselves, and in chapter three, they cross over into the Jordan. God turned a sea into a roadway; likewise, He made rivers in the desert. My God can do anything. He never loses sight of your tear, is deaf to your prayers, or is indifferent to your pain. He sees, hears, and He will deliver! God has a due season for everything.
QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: To be a leader after God's heart takes courage, as these men had. Why is it important to stand up to the giants regardless of the consequences?
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I pray the song; My Defense by Virtual Worship reminds you that God does fight your battles.
