Let go and let God; is easier said than done. Trusting Him with some things is more comfortable than doing so with everything. Too often, we try to handle things in our strength, and instead of making the problem better, it worsens. Still, we hand troubles over into the hands of someone who we should not have. Because of their knowledge, skills, and expertise, we trust they will somehow magically make the issues disappear. So, giving God our problems means allowing Him to take control. It is the complete abandonment of our expectations and answers and submitting them to His hands. Likewise, this will not be easy because our finite mind becomes overstimulated by the cares of life.
So many have anxiety. It could be a situation on the job. What will happen if the doctor’s diagnosis turns out bad? How will this crisis affect my relationship? If this inflation gets worse, how can my family survive? These nagging thoughts will weigh us down because this is a burden, He never asked us to carry. (1 Peter 5:7, AMP). It is impossible to place them in the hands of God if you refuse to release them first. It is valid you are worried but to allow them to play a horror movie in your mind is unhealthy. Beloved, let go of anything that has become a heavyweight and give it to God.
Focus your time on prayer and fasting and read His Word or a devotional to give you the peace and strength to feel better. Talk to a trusted friend who can guide and help you process what is happening. Instead of asking why, surrender with yes to Your will, Lord. Offer yourself to Him as a living sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Give Him your everything, withholding nothing. It includes your dreams, plans, hopes, and expectations.
Because the Lord never works on our time frame, do not go back and pick up those issues again. God is neither deaf to your cries nor unable to work it for your good. Besides, when you magnify the circumstances instead of glorifying the Lord, you are asking for misery. Tomorrow does not need you to add any unnecessary pressure on yourself. (Matthew 6:34, AMP). He sees the future and the moments you do not know. His plan is ever for your best interest and not to harm you. (Jeremiah 29:11). Whatever God puts His hands on will not fail, so trust Him then; get ready to receive your breakthrough.
I pray the musical selection; Breakthrough by Red Rock Worship stirs your heart and faith in the Lord.
