Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. (Psalms 43:5, ESV)
When you face Goliath, it can be scary. You may become speechless, unable to move, and confused. All you see before you is somebody unstoppable, powerful, and bigger than you. And when it speaks, it causes you to shutter in unbelief. How can you possibly win this battle?
Beloved, do you remember what David did when he faced Goliath? That giant tried to intimidate him but he had something Goliath did not. David had a resounding record with Almighty God. Regardless of how this giant threatened him, David knew it was over before it began. With five smooth stones and his slang, he did the unthinkable. He ran toward the enemy. (1 Samuel 17:41-58). Sometimes, it takes every ounce of strength to face that giant. Even when you are afraid and uncertain of the outcome, you must remember that you are not alone. God is with you like He was with David.
Sometimes, you have to face those tough challenges to overcome them. The problems in that relationship may require you to confront them. Beloved, do not throw in the towel when God has the resources to solve those problems. You may need to see beyond what you see as limitations to how God sees you to be who He created you; to be. You can do all things through Him, who gives you strength. (Philippians 4:13, AMP). Many believe the future looks hopeless and fear what might happen. Whatever happens, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. (Isaiah 55:11).
During that time, Israel's future looked bleak. The Philistines were advancing toward Israel in the Valley of Elah. Every day, Goliath would challenge them to send a warrior to fight him. Goliath challenged Israel for forty days. He was bigger, mightier, and his armor alone was impenetrable. Whichever country succeeded would serve the other. It was a crucial turning point for Israel because it was a battle that made a statement - Winner, take all. (1 Samuel 17:8-11; 16, ESV). The wrath of Goliath seemed impossible to overthrow. However, God had a secret weapon Goliath could not restrain. David, the lad, nobody, not even his family or King Saul, thought he was qualified to go up against Goliath. The little lad heard that giant defying the God of Israel and could not resist doing something.
Whatever your situation is - finances, health, uncertain future, God has empowered you to do something. I remember a time when my ex-fiancée stalked me. It was terrifying, but I chose to face that enemy. However, please do not do what I am sharing with you. If somebody is stalking you, report it to the police.
That said - I decided that the next time I saw his car, I would stand by it until he showed up. My neighbors were also on the lookout. Likewise, I spoke to my leaders, and the co-pastor told him I had my neighbors looking out for me. Likewise, a police officer who lived in the adjacent building had explained how to file charges. When he heard about the safety measures I was taking, the stalking stopped. God had my back! And we never married. Sometimes, you need to thank God for what He saved you from!
That said - Many fear what may happen in the future. However, at midnight a new year will begin and 2024 will end. There is nothing none of us can do to stop that from happening. Instead of fearing the unknown, you can choose to run toward it and embrace the promising future God has for you. Or you can live in fear of the unknown throughout this new year. Beloved, I am not minimizing your worries. However, one brings peace, while the other causes despair.
You will never know how God will use someone you disapprove of to bring a nation back to Him. All you see is the disaster they did in the past that is sealed in your heart. However, the same God that changed you can change anybody. There is nobody so far gone that the Lord cannot redeem. Regardless of how messed up their life is, God specializes in restoring broken souls. How many times did He restore Israel? As I stated in my book, Insights from Christ when I explained Hosea 6:1, AMP. As a loving Father to His children, God tears us down to build us up and disciplines us to deliver us. He restores and makes all things new. He refines us by removing anything that is not like Him so that we can be the; light of the world.
Will you base the new year on your fears, doubts, and anger? Or will you trust God no matter what and leave the outcome in His hands? Do you believe the report of the Lord that you already have with Him? Or do you trust the record of someone you deem unfit to be in office? (Isaiah 53:1, ESV). These are hard questions, but until you deal with your anger, despair, and disappointment, you are setting yourself up to be most miserable in this promising new year.
Whatever the coming administration plans are, Proverbs 19:21 tells us that many are the plan in a man’s mind, but the purpose of God will be carried out. God does not make mistakes and He has a plan that far exceeds anything anybody has. Besides, our future does not hinge on our finances, health, the government, or who we know. Acknowledging this, Why are you cast down, oh my friend? Hope in the Lord. (Psalms 43:5). As you read this Psalm you see the person is in despair and is encouraging their selves to find hope in the Lord amidst unthinkable circumstances.

For many, the results of the election were inconceivable. However, the election results did not surprise God. Do you believe God’s will was done or did He make a mistake? Jesus is not in heaven having a panic attack. Oh, what am I going to do? Trump’s in office. The people are afraid. How can I help the people? Do I have enough resources? Am I going to be able to answer their prayers? Where are the answers coming from? Beloved, the future may look bleak to you, but it is hopeful to God.
America will have to answer for her sins and rebellion against Almighty God. So, prepare yourself because regardless of who is the president, no nation defies God and gains His unprecedented favor. There are dire consequences because God cannot allow sin to go unchecked. It will not be as you thought, regardless of whichever person would have been the next leader. Still, God will refine America the way He deems necessary.
Let us rally around who we know God is. Instead of fearing what may happen., face your fears as you look to the hills where your help comes from. Your help comes from God. Hope in the Lord. Wait with expectancy for Him to do what no other can do. He is more stronger than Goliath. The Lord is mightier than Trump. He has resources no leader has ever heard of. He spoke, and the world came into being. My Friend, stop, putting your trust in a man or a woman when God placed the government on the shoulder of His Son, Jesus Christ. (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 9:6, AMP)
The Hebrew word for government comes from 4475 memshalah mem-shaw-law' feminine of 4474; rule; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler:--dominion, government, power, to rule. (1)
His Son, Jesus Christ, is the One with absolute authority, the righteous just judge who rules with fairness. He shall break the rod of the oppressor. God has given Him the throne of His Father David, and His Kingdom will reign forever. (Isaiah 9:6-7; Luke 1:32-33). Christ will reign until He puts all His enemies under His feet. (1 Corinthians 15:25). With such power and sovereignty, why are you cast down, Beloved? Hope in the Lord. You are His sheep and Jesus will not allow anybody to destroy you. He holds you in His hands, and nobody can snatch you out of His hands. (John 10:28-30).
God gave Jesus power and authority over all humanity, so can anybody stand against Him? Furthermore, Christ prayed for those of us who walk upright before Him. He asked His Father to keep and protect us while we are in this world plagued with sin and rebellion. We know God sent the Lord and He made His name known to us. The love God loved His Son with is in us. So, let that love overwhelm your heart. Our mission, should we, choose to accept it is to leave behind a residue of His love everywhere we go and not to worry over who is in office because Jesus is our only hope. (John Chapter 17).
I pray the song, Christ Is Enough, by Hillsong stirs your heart as you enter this New Year. Everything you need is found in Him.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Let us encourage somebody today. Everybody becomes afraid about something. Describe an experience where you faced those fears, and share how overpowering it helped you become resilient. Leave your comments, hit that heart, and share this empowering New Year's message.
