So many people are worried and anxious about the upcoming election. Their hearts quivered with fear as they contemplated the potential loss of essential benefits if Trump were to be elected. They trembled in dread over what would happen to society. Still, the condition of this country is a result of those who defy God. Only God can change the heart posture of a rebellious nation.
Here’s the thing. You have a nation severely divided, desperate, and afraid of the future while both sides exalt their candidates. I observe this country worshiping Donald Trump and Kamala Harris as if either is their only hope. However, God is a jealous God and warns we shall have no other God before Him. (Exodus 34:11-15). You would think Christians would know better than to fall into this trap. Any country that elevates a man or woman above God will suffer dire consequences. Desperation may lead to spiritual blindness, causing eyes to wander from Christ, the ultimate provider.
The Lord does use people to bring about change. However, their values should align with the values God has for America. Still, when anyone places anybody on a pedestal as if they are God, it will not go well because you are looking for the wrong person to fix everything. The story of Saul, the first king of Israel whom God chose, demonstrates this. Israel wanted to have a king like the other nations, so they rejected Almighty God. The results were disastrous for Israel. The Lord may give you a leader you want to show you who you do not need. (1 Samuel Chapter 15). When any country puts its hope and trust in a person other than God, the results will not be in God’s favor for that nation.
Beloved, trust the Lord, regardless of who becomes the next president. 2 Timothy 1:7, AMP tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Worry is a burden that steals your joy and peace of mind. Whoever is worried and afraid trust God because He sees the end that you do not!
I understand it is important to trust whoever you vote for. Consider this. Would you go into business with someone you do not trust? Will you be under a pastor who you do not trust? Nor should you marry somebody you do not trust. Still, regarding health benefits, job security, family values, the economy, social security, etc, I urge you to look to the hills from where your help comes because our help comes from the Lord, not the president! (Psalms 121:1-2). The Bible also says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. (Psalms 33:12). And America has rejected God and committed sins against Him while treating Him like He does not exist. And there are dire consequences to such actions.
The Bible tells us that anyone who trusts in mere humans and their strength and turns their hearts away from God will be cursed. (Jeremiah 17:5-8, NLT). A president can do this or that with the stroke of a pen. Presidents can make decisions that will have lasting effects. However, they are not more powerful than God. A president has limited power and despite what they believe, they do not have absolute power. Only God has absolute supernatural power. And anyone who thinks that they have more power than God, He will show them who He is. Besides, that position is granted to do good and not cause harm.
I Know In Whom I Believe
Let me explain why I know it is essential that we put our confidence and hope in God. After losing my job to abuse of power in September 2012, I endured almost three years without any viable income. It took me five years to become eligible for early retirement. Likewise, I searched diligently for another position but received rejection after rejection. Even when I applied for Obamacare, they rejected me because I did not have any income. Likewise, my daughter went through a tragedy, and I moved to Florida to help her get through that challenging and painful time. It was rough on her because she was the only one with income and never complained. A year before they approved me for early retirement, God blessed me to become a Crossing Guard.
So, I understand the struggle of having no income or health benefits. I sympathize with your fears. However, during that extended season, God never forsook us. He always provided. In time, God blessed me with excellent health coverage. So, regardless of who becomes our next president, I am not worried, nor am I afraid. God provided then and He will do so again. I trust God no matter what and leave the outcome in His hands. He is the God who makes the impossible possible. He can do what no person can do and more than what any president can do. He is our only hope! (Luke 1:37; Genesis 18:9-15).
Pray for Our Nation and for Our Leaders to Honor God
Join me, as I pray for our nation and government officials. All of them need Jesus. All of them need to be holy as He is holy. There is more to being a Christian than saying it but living outside His godly principles. (1 Peter 1:15-17).
Let us pray Proverbs 21:1-2, come alive for our president, the next president, and leaders within the government. These words speak of God's sovereign authority. Imagine God holding the hearts of our leaders in His hand and turning them in whichever way He desires. What a profound difference that makes.
God, I ask You to change the hearts of our President, the next president, and leaders within the government. Father, humble them so they will submit to You, so You can turn their hearts to do Your will. Bring their hearts in sync with Your heart, so that they will do good for the people, and the nation. Lord, let their actions bring glory and honor to Your holy Name. God, I pray for their salvation and ways to please, the Lord.
God, we want Your purpose to be fulfilled in this country and our government. Heavenly Father, let them experience a spiritual cleansing. So, create in them a clean heart and renew a loyal spirit within their lives. Father, let them no longer resist what You want to do in them, and through them by turning their hearts whichever, way You desire. Then and only then, will Your purpose and plan be done in America.
Beloved, don’t be afraid because when you put your future in God’s hands, He will make your enemies your footstool. In the meantime, tell somebody about Jesus. Enjoy this musical selection by Danny Gokey and Mandisa.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Who do you trust more to provide your needs, the president or God? Let's talk about it. Leave your comment below. Hit that heart and share.
