Last week, we discussed six unique attributes of Christ. Among these is, that He is immutable and even self-sufficient. Today we continue this topic and explore more of who He is.
Ice Breaker: Other than these unique attributes, if you had one word to describe God, what is it? Explain why.
God is Omniscient - He is All-Knowing
(Isaiah 46:9-10). He knows the past, present, and the future. Nothing gets past Him. You may lie your way out of some things, but still, the worst person you can lie to is yourself. It’s not God because He knows everything and He sees everything. He even knows our thoughts before we think them. So, when people become more God-conscious rather than people-conscious, this will change the trajectory of their relationship with God.
8. God is Omnipotent - He is All-Powerful – The Greek word for omnipotent is pantokrator pan-tok-rat'-ore, and it means the all-ruling God (as absolute and universal sovereign): (4) --Almighty, Omnipotent. God can do anything He wills that is within His nature. In the same way He spoke the world into existence, the Almighty has the power to do whatever He decides to do.
There is nothing too difficult for Him to accomplish or to overcome. (Genesis 18:14; Luke 1:37, AMP). He does superabundantly above what we ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20). We will face nothing God cannot overpower.
9. God Is Omnipresent - God is present everywhere – God is everywhere at all times. There is no place we can go where God is not already there. (Psalms 139:7-10). We can never hide from Him because He is present everywhere we go. There are no secrets hidden from God. (Jeremiah 23:23-24). During our most challenging seasons, His presence is with us even if we do not feel Him. He is near to us and closer than the air we breathe. Even if somebody wants to flee His presence it is impossible. (Matthew 28:20, ESV). Before we call, He is there. He inclines His ear to our cry. He will never leave nor forsake us and He is always everywhere.
God is Sovereign – He is the supreme ruler. He has the power, wisdom, and authority to do whatever He wants with His creation. God can intervene or act in any situation He chooses to do so. Still, the Lord allows certain situations for reasons of His own. Still, nothing can thwart the purposes of God.
Question 1: When an unbeliever asks you to describe who God is what would you tell them? Which attributes would you use to encourage them about who He is?
God is Wise – He sees the beginning through the ending. He knows about every situation before it happens and has crafted an answer that yields the perfect outcome. (Ephesians 1:11). Our limited, finite wisdom cannot compare with the flawless wisdom of God. And even Solomon, in all his knowledge, was never as wise as the Lord. The plan He has ordained for our lives is far better than anything we can make. He always does what is wisest for us and always acts in our best interest.
God is Holy – The word holy means set apart and sacred. God is unlike any other being. He is perfect and without flaws. No evil will ever be found in Him because of His infinite and complete perfection. (Revelations 4:8). He is separated and undefiled.
God is Righteous – God always does what is good and right for us. He cannot allow sin to go unchecked or overlook wrongdoings. Yet He made atonement for our sins by allowing His only Son to be a sacrificial lamb for us. (Exodus 9:27; Matthew 27:45-46; Romans 3:21-26). He always has our best interest at heart and goes to great lengths to rescue and save us. Likewise, God does not sentence anybody to hell. They do that themselves by the choices they make.
God is Gracious – God is gracious and does not want anybody to perish but desires everybody to be saved. (2 Peter 3:9). His grace includes His love, mercy, goodness, and kindness. He never gives us what we deserve but extends grace beyond what we deserve. (Psalms 145:8). If we got what we deserved, we would all be consumed by now. So, He paid the debt that we could never pay. Likewise, the grace of God allows us to enjoy the blessings of life, provisions, and abundance. (Matthew 5:45).
Question 2: Thinking back to when you first accepted Christ as your Savior what attributes about God draw you to Him?
I pray the song, My God Is Awesome by Charles Jenkins has you on your feet worshipping Him in spirit and truth.
