Guess what happens when churches come together to celebrate the true essence of Christmas? We have a ridiculous glorious time. On Saturday, December 7th, OCM Grace Church, DJICC, Abundant Life, & BethEl Love Christian Center joined in praising and worshipping Jesus, the King of Kings. (Hebrews 10:25)
This event was scheduled to happen in 2020, however, everything changed because of the pandemic and, it had to be canceled. At a time, when this world needed hope and to gather to celebrate the heart of Christmas, we could not. However, the Lord could not forfeit such a service, so when the restrictions were lifted, God, made a way. However, it required a place to have it. Candi from OCM Grace Church put me in contact with Sis. Li Chan, their pastor’s wife. She listened to the idea and was eager to work with me. What happened from that moment on was nothing more than the finger of God orchestrating everything.
When the Lord’s hands are on anything, there is nothing, anybody can do, to stop it! We worked effortlessly as one with our heavenly Father. God brought His people from various ethnicities together to show He is our only hope. The Lord showed up in the service and showed off. And hope is what we need this marvelous time of the year. Christmas is about Jesus, who was born to offer salvation to a world in desperate need of Him. (Isaiah 14:27)
Christ came during, a time of social unrest, political upheaval, and uncertainty. Today, we face the same challenges and need hope as the world did during that time. His arrival changed the trajectory of the world and prepared the way for the hopeless, the poor in spirit, and everybody. He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever more. (Hebrews 13:8, AMP). When we come together like these churches have, the Lord makes all things new. In this Christmas season, whatever difficult times you have, they are not too hard for Him to solve. There is nothing you go through that the Lord does not have the solution to. Hope means we are anticipating something beyond our despair.

The enemy does not want us to join forces and unite as a Body of Christ. He wants us divided and fighting against one another. He’ll keep us arguing over the Scriptures, judging and condemning others over trivial issues as the world looks on and views us as hypocrites. These distractions prevent the world from realizing why Christ was born.
Christ came that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Jesus was born to be Immanuel God with us. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23).
He had to be born to be the sacrifice to redeem humanity. (Hebrews 9:22).
The Lord came to show us He knows what we go through because He has been through what we are going through. Every pain we feel goes through His scarred hands before it touches us. Those challenging circumstances that touch us touch Him. Each time we face a tragedy, whether the loss of a loved one or an unexpected crisis, He is there with us. Christ came to show us how He uses adversity to point us to our purpose.
Even when we are tempted, the Lord provides a means of escape because He has already been tempted. (Hebrews 4:15; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Matthew 4:1-11, NASB). He came as an infant, put on human flesh so Christ knows what it feels like to be human. He knows the stain of rejection and abandonment. Jesus experienced what it feels like when others do not appreciate you. He knows what it is like to be disappointed, and; misunderstood and to have people badmouth you. They bad-mouthed Him. (Mark 15:34; Matthew 12:22-24, AMP)
Before you experienced any heartache, pain, or suffering, Jesus already had felt it. Every emotion you have ever felt, so has He. He was born to show you that you mean the world to Him, and He loves you and wants nothing but the best for you. Jesus will always go to great lengths to save you because He was born to be your Savior. (John 3:16).
Merry Christmas, Beloved!
TIME FOR REFLECTION: As you gather to celebrate Christmas, why do you believe Jesus was born? Please add to the list in the comments below. Hit that heart and share this devotional with others.
