Cherish the gift because if you abuse it, you will lose it!
Gifts come in different forms. They could be of material substance, monetary, or even a delicious meal. According to Dictionary.com one definition of a gift is: a special ability or capacity; natural endowment; talent:
the gift of saying the right thing at the right time. (1)
Most people associate gifts with presents given on special occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, or Christmas. These examples show what a gift could be for, but what if it goes beyond our usual idea? What if it exceeds someone’s talent? But suppose it is as tangible as the person sitting next to you?
Throughout our lifetime, we spend countless hours trying to find the perfect gift for someone. If you are anything like me, it is blessing them with a gift that matches their preferences, not what I feel they might enjoy. It calls for knowing intimate details of somebody’s life based on how well you know them. For example, if I know your favorite color is red, I will not buy you something pink.
Whether you are my daughter or a friend, you will never have to guess how I feel about you because my words and actions will leave no doubt. I aim to give you a gift that I believe will bring you joy because I paid that much attention to you. Based on what you have shared and our relationship, you have painted me a canvas of who you are. With that vivid picture in my mind, I can now bless you with a gift worthy of your devotion.
It leads me to one of my favorite quotes. Cherish the gift because if you abuse it, you will lose it. Like presents we give to others, one of my most prized treasures is the gift of people God has brought into my life whom I cherish and adore. Some were for a season, while others have been for a lifetime. However long these precious souls are in our lives, we should always treat them as valuable as they are. Saying I love you is not enough because actions speak louder than words.
That said - It is easy to overlook how precious somebody is. You can get caught up with how busy you are and forget how precious they are. You take for granted that they will always be there for you and forget to say thank you. Their simple acts of kindness get overlooked because you are so used to depending on them. They are so understanding and faithful and continue to expand mercy and grace. Still, you are the repeat offender who takes advantage of a heart filled with patience and the goodness of God. That is, until one day, you look up and realize what was a gift from God is no longer present.
Dear One, when God blesses us with someone closer than a brother, that is a rare and significant miracle. (Proverbs 18:24). This is somebody who is a godsend deserving of our utmost loyalty and love. So, I urge you to cherish this diamond, which is the express image of God. (Genesis 1:27). They exemplify Him in everything they do, so be careful how you treat them. Never take for granted that someone will always be there. In the twinkling of an eye, everything can change.
I pray this devotional stirs your heart to show them how much you appreciate their dedication.
Here are some simple ways to show somebody how much you value them.
Our words and actions speak volumes. So, do not only make nice compliments. Be a participant. Let your actions show how special they are. (Romans 12:10-11, AMP).
Be sensitive to their feelings, and don’t mistake their patience for weakness or a chance to take their kindness for granted. (Ephesians 4:2, John 15:13, NASB).
Follow through with whatever you said you would do. Promises are as precious to them as they are to you. Think about how they feel when you consistently do not do what you said you would do. (Ecclesiastes 5:2, 5-6, AMP).
Take responsibility for your contribution to any problems that may arise. Making excuses is the self-denial of your actions. (Luke 6:31, Romans 3:23-24, NASB).
Your apologies should be genuine. Making an apology without a change in your behavior is meaningless. (Proverbs 6:16-19; 2 Corinthians 7:10).
Please take notice of habits, which become a pattern that causes distance and appears as though you are taking advantage because you know they practice grace and mercy. (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:22-24, AMP).
Beloved, cherish the gift because if you take it for granted, you can lose someone as precious as a priceless jewel.
I pray that the song Yield; by John Reddick stirs your heart and helps you to surrender and give God full reign in your life.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: It is easy to become comfortable in our relationships with others and neglect how we treat them. What other actions can we apply to avoid taking anybody for granted?
