Beloved, remember those who have mistreated you? Let us not overlook the ones who mocked and humiliated you. What about those who are envious of your talents? Even the person responsible for using deception to steal your finances. Well, each one will regret being mean, and spiteful because God is about to do something they never expected to see you accomplished. Their maltreatment was to prevent you from reaching your potential. Some were sure you would crumble, and they would destroy you. What they did not realize is the Greater One is living inside of you.
The Lord watched you gracefully take all the hurt and pain, and never once retaliate. He witnessed you render good though they were despicable. While you were going through such a challenging time; the Lord was saying to the devil; keep your eyes on my Child, Satan, because she will make a liar out of you. He’s going to rise and come back stronger than ever. My Beloved will go farther than you imagined. Observe her surpass your lies, malicious schemes, and come out untouched and victorious. And that day is soon to come. Your next season will leave the devil speechless. They’re going to regret all the awful things they did to you. Dear Friend, don’t let it surprise you when they began to contact you. Some will even send a friend request on Facebook. Others will attempt to buy your affection. Some may even apologize. Forgive them, yes, but don’t allow anyone to deceive you.
You are approaching a new season. It’s a season of God’s unprecedented favor. It’s a season of the impossible turning into extravagant blessings. You’ll gain access to what was not for you. That promotion they thought was theirs will go to you with twice as much salary. People will help you as if you were a King or a Queen. They’ll come to your aide in whatever way they can. But then again, you are the Son of God and a Daughter of the King. Beloved, expect your God to place you on display before those who mistreated you and Show-Up and Show-Off. Get Ready because Your next season will make your enemies your foot stole. It will make them hoped they would have treated you with grace and dignity.
No one craves to experience a malignant attack which; arouses from someone who’s vindictive and bitter. Such unwarranted hostility is a sign you are pleasing the Lord. When individuals harm me, I offer a shout of praise then ask the devil; is this the best you can do? I need not petition for retribution because that belongs to God. "Never repay anyone evil for evil. Take thought for what is right and gracious and proper in the sight of everyone. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord." (Romans 12:17-19, AMP). I have a relationship with Him and recognizes He captures their ill intentions, leaving them living with regrets. These will hope they had never touched God’s anointed servant. “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.” (Psalms 105:15). He has taken every malicious evil plan from those who fought against me and brought something remarkable for it. I am triumphant and my Savior is using me to minister to countless others across the world; while carrying out a profound impact. I opt to forgive and enjoy my life surrendered in the peace that exceeds understanding. My friend, I implore you to do the same.
Beloved, baffle your enemies by remaining cordial when they are callous. Be sympathetic and courteous when they’re impolite and disrespectful. Be a symbol of God’s love, despite how others regard you because the Lord will lift you above every insult, lie, and evil objective of the adversary. And they’ll grieve ever being your enemy.
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