Tuesday, I went to the public library to print out a few documents. The assistant, a young woman, was rude and lacked patience. She gave every sign that she did not want to help anyone. This lady even kept making comments and sighing about how frustrated she was. Several of my pages were blank. I inquired how to fix the problem, she replied; resend. I did that and yet, I got the same result. I asked if she knew how to solve this, or if they could repay me. She informed me she didn’t know what to tell me. I walked to the reference desk and explained the situation and this kind woman reimbursed me. I spoke to another man who said a technician should be there to assist me. The attendant in the computer room hadn’t offered to get this person.
After this, I added funds to my account and as I glanced over, I notice the rude assistant was preparing to leave. She was saying to another person the other assistant is coming soon. there soon. This gracious gentleman fixed my problem with the most incredible attitude. He didn’t just shove me off as my concerns were unimportant. He took the time to click on the computer and discovered why it hadn’t printed and showed me what to do. “He who is slow to anger is better and more honorable than the mighty [soldier], And he who rules and controls his own spirit, than he who captures a city.” (Proverbs 16:32).
Today, I want to discuss the importance of your attitude. It speaks volumes. I don’t know why this woman was impolite. Even if she was having a bad day, that’s not an excuse to be ill-mannered. Whatever happens, before you come to your place of employment, don’t allow your personal feelings to affect how you treat anybody. “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you.’ (Luke 6:31, AMP). The qualities of a Customer Services Representative require someone willing to serve with a cheerful attitude. Speak to people without being inconsiderate and easily annoyed. Think of how you want somebody to treat you and go beyond that. Anyone who works in this field whose demeanor isn’t pleasant and is impatient; perhaps work in a different field. Maybe try serving in a prison. This experience may humble your soul.
Usually, a young man covers the computer room in the morning. He’s polite, kind, and when you need help, he’s professional and shows that he’s concerned. This brings me to my second concern regarding women in leadership positions. As a former Preferred Substitute Teacher, I’ve had the grand opportunity to work with several women. I am grateful to those who have been an example of what an extraordinary Lead Teacher is. I also see a pattern in us in leading roles where the position goes to their head and instead of leading with grace and dignity, they’re more of a dictatorship. They are insensitive, condescending, and have no people skills. Good leaders pass down a legacy by making effective successful Leaders out of those you lead.
Becoming a leader isn't what defines you. The way you lead shows the Leader you are. It's your character that demonstrates your style of leadership. “So that you may prove yourselves to be blameless and guileless, innocent and uncontaminated, children of God without blemish in the midst of a [morally] crooked and [spiritually] perverted generation, among whom you are seen as bright lights [beacons shining out clearly] in the world [of darkness].” (Philippians 2:15). An incredible Manager is somebody who has qualities such as honesty, being able to communicate effectively, humility, delegate authority, patience, has a positive attitude, to name a few. You must recognize that the people you serve deserve the utmost respect and curtsey. It’s pertinent to take time to answer their questions or point them to someone who can. It is important that you honor and respect the position you hold as a Leader. So, whatever position you have always treat people with value and worth.
I pray the song; I Surrender by Hillsong stirs your heart.
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