The Bible instructs us to knock, and God shall open it. (Luke 9:11-10, NASB). You took Him at His Word and the answer was more than you imagined. Something even more magnificent is happening that you have no clue about. It’s something you didn’t request, nor had you expected, but because you obey and trust Him, He thought it not robbery to unleash this on you. Doors you never knocked on will cling open. Opportunities that were beyond your reach will search and find you.
The Lord has designed the right time at the perfect place to set you up for a blessing that will provide unlimited access for years to come. The Almighty has people mapping out a strategic plan for more than you need to go to the next level. They already favor you, even though you have not been formally introduced. Did you not know that your reputation precedes you? Yes, you with your crazy unshakeable faith in God. Keep sending God’s Word on a mission impossible. The spoken Word of God from your mouth overpowers those thoughts the enemy keeps saying to torment your mind. He knows his days are numbered, and He’s a defeated foe.
Prepare to receive by keeping a grateful heart and eyes on Him who sees the outcome. Your God isn’t some mystical creature using His much fair speech to delude and trick you. He’s the God who parted the Red Sea and turned it into a safe path for travel. The Lord raised the dead and made the deaf to hear and the mute to speak. He made a little lad’s lunch into a massive banquet that feeds 5,000 plus with an abundance of delicious leftovers. He even formed the finest wine from water. The Almighty gives beauty for ashes and makes a way where there seems to be no way. The blessing you didn’t ask for, the Lord has provided. Prepare your heart to receive!
I pray the song; Ask by Anthony Evans ministers to you.
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