Every day, there are pre-set goals I need to accomplish. First, I began in prayer, meditation, and worship. Because of these actions, I am overwhelmed with this enthusiasm to make it through the day. And I am determined to do something that impacts others. One way to accomplish this is through the devotionals I share on social media. Since I can’t travel across the globe, I allow my words to journey where my feet may never go. So, Beloved, wake up with the determination to do something good. Attack this day with an I can attitude and enthusiasm. Prepare your goals in advance and make good use of the day that unfolds. And go beyond merely thinking about yourself. Perform something extraordinary for others. Opportunities for such is waiting for you to accept.
Even when incidents happen; which alters your plans, be determined to keep God foremost in your thoughts. "Acknowledge Him, and He will guide you. “In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].” (Proverbs 3:6, AMP). Feed your body, mind, and spirit healthy nutrients which strengthens your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From one moment to the next, various situations will occur. The unexpected may leave you a bit baffled. The way you respond decides how it’ll affect you. Remember your priorities and follow through. But don’t place unrealistic demands on yourself. You may not achieve everything you anticipated, but realize a twist in direction is for a reason. So, look for the good in it and don’t resort to complaining or grumbling. Therefore, be ready, but don’t allow anything to cause you to lose hope. Stay inspired and empowered. Your enthusiasm will make a difference in your day.
Start your day by encouraging yourself in the Lord. He went before you and prepared the way.
Before leaving your home, hug your loved ones. Edify them and reassure your family of your love and concern for them.
Put forth your best effort on your job. Even if it’s a position you don’t like, perform in the spirit of excellence.
Think before you react or speak. Your words and actions do affect others. And they speak volumes about your character.
Take a break to refresh, refuel, and rejuvenate your soul.
Go to bed satisfied that you did your best, and it’s prepared you for an even better tomorrow.
I pray the song; With All That I Am by Hillsong stirs your heart.
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