This is not to offend anyone, but God speaks to us in ways we won’t always recognize. We have our selected Ministers we enjoy listening to, including our Pastor. Sometimes when we are waiting for the Lord to answer our payers and it seems He has forgotten us, we believe He’s not listening and has gone silent. The thing is, that doesn’t mean God is not listening. One truth stands sure, He’s trying to get our attention. He comes in ways we don’t realize so when He speaks because this is unlike what we thought, we miss what He said. It’s not with grand fanfare He speaks, but His voice is gentle as a whisper. The way it was when he spoke to Elijah after Jezebel threatens to kill him. (1 Kings 19:1-4, AMP). The prophet felt alone and frighten and found himself in a cave at Horeb. The Almighty commanded him to stand on the mountain as He passed by. (1 Kings 19:11-21). A strong boisterous wind tore it apart, breaking the rocks into pieces, but Lord wasn’t in the wind. Then a mighty earthquake; neither was He in that. A fire arose, but it was not God. Then, in a still small subdued voice, Elijah heard and he and God engage in a heartwarming conversation that sets in motion a remarkable redemption for Israel. It includes the call of Elisha.
There is a word, God has for you that your Pastor doesn’t have, but it's brought to you through whatever means the Lord deems necessary. (Job 33:14-18). God ministers through songs, as He often does to me early in the morning. It may come from a stranger you don’t even know. Maybe in a dream or a vision, He appears with such loving and sound wisdom or warnings. As you’re reading the Bible, a particular verse or two stays with you, acting as a source of encouragement. It could be from a video as you searching online, and the Lord uses a Minister or someone you never heard before to stir your heart. This can arrive from a friend whom He places you in their spirit. And when you pray, be prepared because if you’re open to surrendering, He will talk to you.
Like Elijah, our hearts become a burden and anxious with concerns God never destined us to experience. The Lord wants us not to focus on the size of our problem, but to be still and know he has worked out a solution that far exceeds our circumstances. Dear One, release feeling sorrow for yourself and remind you how much He loves and cares for you. You’ll rise with renewed strength and hope, realizing He has thousands who have never bowed to Satan, neither shall they ever serve Him. Beloved, open your mind to hear from God in unusual means because that’s when your mission and the purpose of others will be revealed.
What lessons have you learned from hearing the still small voice of God?
Can you encourage someone today? Please comment on how this devotional inspired you, hit that heart, and share.
I pray the musical selection, Speak To Me, by Kari Jobe, stirs your heart and faith in God.
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