Psalms 118:24, ESV reminds us that God made each day, and we can rejoice and be glad. Wouldn’t it be good to change the trajectory of your day with a simple act of gratitude? It is not complicated, but this calls for us to transform our thinking and actions. In this ever-so-dark and challenging world, many have gotten lost in their to-do list and those troubles that caused unnecessary discomfort. They tend to magnify these as if they were their guiding light. However, one word of thanks in the morning will jump-start your day. Let us examine three simple benefits of gratitude.
1. Gratitude Keeps Us Healthy
The Bible likewise teaches that a happy heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22). God desires that everybody be grateful in every situation because He knows it keeps us healthy and at peace. We cannot escape unpleasant circumstances, but we can choose how we allow these to affect us. We stay full of joy by giving thanks.
2. Gratitude Blesses Our Relationships
When we are thankful, it shows in our attitude and relationships with others. We find ourselves dwelling on the goodness of God and not our problems. It helps our relationships thrive and becomes a source of encouragement as we spend time with each other. Those around us gain a sense of serenity and thankfulness.
3. Gratitude Builds Our Faith
The more we praise and offer God thanks during challenging times, the more resilient we become. It brings us closer to Him. As we reflect on His Word and worship Him, it keeps us in His presence and close to His heart. Nothing brings Him more joy than when we acknowledge and appreciate who He is through acts of thanksgiving.
The Lord lavishes us in His grace, goodness, and love. Let us forever boast of His blessings through acts of gratitude. (Psalms 34:2-3). We can even change the atmosphere by giving thanks in all circumstances, whether it makes sense to others. Besides, your thankful heart will inspire countless others. Beloved, infect the world by showcasing your gratefulness.
Have a Blessed and Glorious Thanksgiving!
I pray the musical thanksgiving playlist stirs your heart and faith in God.
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