Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. (Philippians 1:27, NASB)
The Bible teaches us to be strong. Even when opposing forces come against us, the Lord has equipped every Christian to stay firm. The world offers many opportunities for us to follow this command. Sometimes someone is teased because they seem like easy prey. When we come to their aid, we show our true character and who we are in Christ. Well, if we can do this for others, why not take a stand for God? Besides, if we are not bold enough to do this, who else will? More than ever, the enemy rages war against those who rise for the cause of Christianity. Even Paul was imprisoned for his faith and willing to die for the sake of the call. (Philippians 1:19-20, ESV). For our progress and joy in the faith, he endured the ridicule. He showed every believer how to stay steadfast for God, even when the outcome terrifies us. He did not always receive a welcome from those who did not like the gospel of Christ. Regardless of this, he never buckled under fear but stayed courageous and faithful.
Beloved, the noblest thing we can do is stand up for God despite our fears. It deepens our courageous and character and makes us more Christ-like. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord or of me His prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God. (2 Timothy 1:8). Paul was never ashamed of the misfortunes he went through for what he stood for. He encouraged Timothy to share in such sufferings; as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. We, too, must not succumb to pressure because God is looking for faithfulness so He may prove Himself to us.
It takes enormous courage to hold fast to what is right when others mock you. It’s easy to give in to avoid shame while hiding behind excuses. The only way to build your character is when you stand for truth, when you come up against an opposing force, even though it frightens you. Even your faith must be stretched to grow and overcome any challenge. Enduring an easy confrontation never pushes us beyond our comfort zone. And true character comes with a high-value tag attached, but the genuine test of who we are is what you do when you believe nobody is watching. In this modern-day culture, what we settle for does matter. Everything we do confirms who we are. It is choosing right over wrong and truth over error.
Every time we compromise godly principles to escape offenses, our faith weakens. Each moment we rationalize and overlook actions contrary to holiness, we create an image that gives Christianity a terrible reputation. We will not grow when we give in to fear instead of facing it. There is never a time to not take the risk and compromise to shun opposition. What better way to deal with it than to be unwavering for the gospel of Christ? When you cave in to dodge the consequences, you allow the enemy to win, and your witness for Christ diminishes. When you stand for what God asks of us instead of giving in to fear, you become steadfast in your faith and leave behind a residue of righteousness.
Having a solid rapport with God makes us stand out from the crowd. Dear Friend, what are you willing to take to stand for Christ? Can you withstand being teased and embarrassed? Are you prepared to be alienated and have your name plastered on social media? Will you be taunted and your reputation ruined from vicious lies? Would you choose to speak the truth even if it means going to prison? Will you teach the truth, even if this means losing more than half your congregation? How far will you go to stand for God? You will face fierce opposition, and that may be scary. The Lord left an unblemished record we can find confidence in to inspire us when we become fainthearted. Many in the Bible suffered for the gospel of Christ. It includes Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6:11-28), the three Hebrew boys (Daniel 3:8-30), and Paul. Mordecai risked being hanged. (Esther 2:1-9; 3:8-11; 4:1-5, 12-17). Even in this world, they have martyred many for the sake of the call. They went through indescribable horrors but never lost their praise or their faith. The remembrances of these conquerors remain more than enough to empower any Christian.
We have to overrule fear with faith because there is nothing; we endure, the grace of God cannot bring us through with a victory. Beloved, no one said being a devoted Christian would be with no resistance. But when we stand for righteousness despite being afraid, we become a force that tears down strongholds. Dear One, do not be ashamed to stand fast as a representative of God. He never expects us to do anything that He has not given us the grace to prevail. Let us be an example of what the Lord wants instead of giving in to the threats of those who oppose us. Standing for God builds our courage, strengthens our faith; while we become unshakeable. Like Paul, make the devil tremble and dread when He hears you serve the true and living God regardless of what happens.
Question for Reflection:
What are you willing to take to stand for Christ?
I pray the musical selection, I Will Fear No More by The Afters stirs your faith and heart in God.
