As I was listening to Don Moen yesterday on Facebook, I have to agree with him as he said a lot is going on in the world. My heart aces when I hear of such horror. No matter how terrible things are, the goodness of God prevails. We need not fear because the battle is the Lord, and His mercy and goodness endure forever. Like the song; Goodness of God, we live in the goodness of God. We cannot control what others do, but we can choose how we respond to their actions. We can be a pillar in society that acts as a beacon of light.
The world is hemorrhaging in evil and wickedness because of sin. Despite this, all my life, God has been faithful and good. As the dark deeds of the enemy seem to take over in the form of violence and out-of-control rage, we have an anchor in the Lord. There are grave repercussions for any country that forsake Him and becomes wise in their eyes. (Proverbs 3:7, AMP). Our government has taken the Lord out of everything He holds sacred and created for His glory. Now they have replaced Him with guns in schools, targeting people because of their race, and even the representatives taking parental rights away. We can no longer speak ill of any other civilization because American values and morals have decayed. Our elected officials go into pledges with these countries that do not hold the values we once held dear. What did they expect would happen when they decided to reject the truths in His Word? No society will bypass the judgments of God.
Still, because of His remnant, His goodness is running after you, me, and everybody who dares to walk upright before the Lord. In 2 Chronicles 7:11-22, we see God warning King Solomon of the consequences of idol worship. He built the temple as a place of worship and for Israel to honor God forever. All went well as long as they obeyed and engaged in sweet communion with their Lord. Once they went after anything in direct violation of who He is, all hell broke loose. As it was then, it is occurring now in the world. Some blame Donald Trump, while the Democrats and Republicans condemn each other. Likewise, people point the finger at anyone they deem opposing their views rather than what they have contributed to this culture plagued with sin.
Nobody chooses to stand and take responsibility for their own misguided choices and having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. (2 Timothy 3:1-7). Nor do they consider how their action affects communities, nations, and everywhere. They do not even care about the collateral damage it leaves behind. You can say you are a Christian, but the truth is in your lifestyle. God will never be pleased with anybody who has some watered-down gospel. He urges us to avoid such people. (2 Timothy 3:5). We stand on the brink of collapse if not for His mercy that chases after us to repent and turn from our wicked ways. Ignore and continue in behavior unbecoming of holiness and experience the consequences of your sinful ways. Heed His warning, and you and your house will be saved. (Acts 11:4-14).
Whatever the circumstances are, God is close like none other. He is our Father, our Friend, and everything we need to make it in such a time as these. There is no form of darkness that shines brighter than His glory, which penetrates any stony heart. No army of the enemy can conquer what belongs to God because the battle is not ours, but it belongs to the Lord. Still, no power can withstand His goodness because I have lived and will continue to live in the goodness of God because it is running after me.
I pray this song, Goodness Of God by CeCe Winans opens your eyes to see how good God is. You can trust Him no matter what!
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