Don’t lose hope is easier said than done. Anybody who has waited for a lengthy amount of time knows this. And we will have challenging times throughout our life because nobody is exempted from such seasons. Not even Jesus escaped such times. He tells us in John 16:33; I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]. The Scripture encourages us to find encouragement and hope in the face of difficulties.
In this passage, Christ warned His disciples of the suffering He would endure. Jesus knew what lay before Him as he would have to die for humanity. Likewise, the Lord prepared them for what they would have to suffer because if He had to suffer, so would they. Still, Christ encourages us to be courageous. The King James verses use the phrase, be of good cheer. Why should you rejoice when you are suffering? Well, because the Lord has overcome the world. He triumphed over Satan, sin, and death and paved the way for salvation. And Christ knew what lay ahead for them after His death, so he prepared them for what was to come.
Any challenge we have, Jesus has already conquered, and He knows the outcome. Likewise, it is in our favor and for our greater good. You may be going through a season of rebellion from your child. It could be a health crisis without a promising future. You might be suffering because of someone you find challenging. Whatever it is, Beloved, every challenge holds within it a blessing. It is a blessing that holds more value than your current circumstances. Likewise, you have had distress before, so recall how God brought you through. Let it comfort you and bring you peace because what He did before, He will do again.
Go beyond how you feel and how long this has been. Beloved, have patience with the Lord because He will not fail you, and Christ cares for you. His ways are never our ways, but they yield a blessing beyond what we asked or imagined. (Isaiah 55:8-9). Please do not lose hope because your trust in Him will keep you when all odds are against you. Because He conquered the world, you are more than a conqueror. You will get through this and reap a harvest that yields, an abundance of fruit. That fruit will sustain countless others.
I pray the song; Don't Fight Alone by John Reddick will bless you and leave you full of hope.
Your opinions mean much to me. Please encourage somebody today by answering these questions. Hit that heart, and share.
TIME FOR REFLECTION: Challenges can bring disappointment and distress. Why would somebody blame God for their disappointments?
What can you do to help them see that God can bring good from this season of disappointment?
RESOURCE LOUNGE: Bless yourself and others! These devotionals are a great source of comfort, and hope, and will leave you empowered!
