There’s a silent cry echoing throughout the world. It’s from those who walk among us in places most won’t go. This could be in a deserted building. Maybe it’s the sidewalk or anywhere on the streets. Many pass them by as if they don’t exist. Some live-in homes surrounded by family with everything at their disposal yet feels as if they have no voice. They’re the silent majority, hoping everyone will hear their petition for acceptance.
There’s no grander service than devoting time to the broken, hurting, and underprivileged. These are those who don’t fit in with the élite. People see them as outcasts, invisible, and unimportant. It’s when you take a chance to commune with them you notice they too matter. Beloved, you’re valuable to God. You have something remarkable to give to society. He can heal your life, though you believe you don’t belong. The Lord’s your Savior and is closer than you realize. (Psalms 34:18).
He doesn’t seek experience in His Word nor knowledge of who He is. You need not have everything together or established in your faith. Come as you are, thrusting your cares on Him. (John 6:37; 1 Peter 5:7). You may feel as you’re alone, and nobody understands your plight. God is familiar with what you’re enduring and promises never to leave nor forsake you. (Matthew 27:46). He’s turning it in your favor and will meet you where you are. You are precious in His Sight, created in His image. He has a glorious plan and purpose for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11). Come, receive God’s love, mercy, and peace.
I pray the song; Strong Tower by Kutless stirs your heart.
Question for Reflection
What is the best way to respond to the broken and downtrodden?
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