Today, my spirit aces for those who have been hurt and scarred. Someone hurt them so badly it damaged their life. Something awful happened in their past and they haven’t recovered from it. Oh, they put up the perfect semblance and function as though they have everything together. They would be the first to say; I’m fine, I don’t need help. It’s their pride that makes them ignore the signs and warnings while continuing as if nothing is wrong. Some even act as if they have great faith in God. They know every scripture to quote and can argue any issue. Most of us wouldn’t stand a chance against their reasonings and compelling rhetoric. At this critical time, the Lord is knocking at the door of your heart, beckoning you to come unto Him and lay your burden at His feet.
Beloved, there is no pain God can’t remove from our life. There is no hurt He can’t help us recover from. There is no wound He won’t heal and no shame that’s not covered by His grace. There is nothing the Lord will not deliver and set us free from. (Jeremiah 17:14, ESV). You don’t need to pretend anymore because His death on the cross carried your shame into the sea of forgetfulness. Nothing you have done is so terrible that shall cause Him to reject or abandon you. It’s His good pleasure to give you rest from the despair, that keeps you living a lie. (Matthew 11:28-30). The Lord longs for you to experience His peace and become everything He created you to be. Come, surrender control, and be made whole in rivers of living water. It's time for your hurt to collide with Jesus, your Healer. Beloved, allow God to take your heart and breath life back into your life.
Are you ready to be healed?
I pray the musical selection, The Hurt and Healer by MercyMe stirs your heart and faith in God.
