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Put That Stone Down

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

My heart aches for America. This is not us. It’s not who we are as a nation of people. I understand the outrage from the African-American communities because of the terrible death of George Floyd. It’s a shame it had to take this for the officials to charge a white cope with the unjust and wrongful death of a black man. Police officer Derek Chauvin has a history of excessive force. His supervisors should had charged him some time ago instead of continuing to let him get by with such unbecoming conduct. They enabled him by not holding him accountable. When there’s no accountability, the offender believes they can do whatever they want without consequences. Therefore, they should hold his superiors liable too. Police are to protect and serve. What he did was murder and dishonor a human being.

I knew it would be a matter of time before something like this erupted. I don’t support these actions. Retaliating with violence solves nothing. It only deepens the misperception another race has of us. And believe me, this is not who we are. Those who are taking part in these acts of evil aren’t representing African-Americans. They are just as wrong as he was. To use this tragic death as a way to seek revenge is immoral. Beloved, you have taken matters into your hands and creating mass destruction. You have become the criminal by your acts of rioting, looting, and terrorism. Those who are committing these crimes are showing what’s in their heart. (Jeremiah 17:9-10). Place your trust in God and put away all malice, spitefulness, and be kind and tender-hearted (Ephesians 4:31-32). You’re hurting innocent people, and for what? To show the world that you are who they always thought you were. I urge everyone to return this injustice with love, forgiveness, compassion, and not to allow it to make you become someone you’re not.

I understand it outrages you. The white race has mistreated black people unjustly for centuries. But not all Caucasians are racist. I have several friends who are white, and they are among the kindest people. Even the Bible instructs us to be angry, but do not sin and not to let the sun go down on your anger. (Ephesians 4:26). Yes, I am for speaking out against hatred and racism, but doing so in a peaceful way; while showing grace and dignity. Let us come together with sincere hearts and minds to discuss how we feel with respect and meaningful dialogue. Our words should be seasoned with grace, not harsh expressions that stir up anger. (Proverbs 15:1). So, put that stone of hatred down and not tolerate getting even.

Remember those who have given their lives such as Merger Everett and Martin Luther King, Jr. They never fought bigotry, discrimination, and brutality with violence and rioting. Think of our ancestors which endured the harsh brutality of slavery so we can have our freedom. They would not be proud of what you’re doing. You’re helping people to misjudge us. This is not the answer, nor what this country needs. Jesus is the answer to this evil that plagues the world. When you don’t know Jesus, it can lead to a life void of love and mercy for another human being.

I plead with you, my fellow black brothers, and sisters to put a stop to this cruelty and help American heal. This requires the love of God. Love is a mighty force to overcome racial prejudices. Without love, we won’t thrive and fulfill the purpose the Lord has on our life. God’s love makes all the difference and destroys the strongholds of racism and injustices. Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. (Luke 6:27). So, put down that stone of prejudice. Throw that stone of vengeance into the pit of hell from where it comes from. Toss the stone of being divided by the color of one’s skin back to the devil. You don’t have to agree with someone’s lifestyle choices, but love is best served when it’s colorblind. Overcome hatred with love. Destroy racism by treating anyone how you want them to treat you, even if you feel they don’t deserve it.

God chooses us too, and we’re created in His perfect image. We’re the offspring of slaves who made America the incredible country it is. Our soldier’s blood is those who fought, bleed, and died to help a nation demolish slavery. We are among the teachers making sure children of all ethnicities receive a decent education. God has launched us to become politicians, doctors, and lawyers. Some are authors, athletics, even architects. He showed those who held us as inferior that you can try to crush our spirit, but we will arise even stronger. We are better than carrying out acts of inhumanity, disorder, and rage. We are who God says we are, a precious treasure and gift to America.

In heaven, there’s no racial divide. The white race won’t be on the south side and the black people on the north side. Jesus Christ died for all of humanity. He even paved the way for the Gentiles. (Romans 9:24-25). And with Him, there is no respecter of persons. (James 2:1-13). Stop being angry! Turn from your rage Do not lose your temper—it only leads to harm. 9 For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land. (Psalms 37:8-9). So, let everybody come together in harmony and unite with one voice filled with compassion helping this country heal. It’s time to forgive because as long as we have God in our hearts, we can lay aside what divides us. This isn’t what the enemy wants. But nobody loathes you more than Satan. So, give no place to him and his wickedness. (Ephesians 4:27-30). Find your way back to righteousness, mercy, and God’s amazing love. Let’s display wisdom, be warmhearted, and a Child of God. Be the one person to do the contrary and turn the world upside down. (Acts 17:6). Allow God to use you for the purpose He designed for you.

I pray this musical selection, I Have A Dream by Tussing Elementary School stirs your heart.

Can you please help me encourage someone today? Leave a comment, hit that heart, and share. Thank you kindly.

Question for Reflection

Everybody can do something to help heal America and bring reform. What would you do to combat the civil unrest in the United States?



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