They call these uncertain times. Whenever people experience such seasons, their first reaction is fear. Such is the case of this virus. The news of it has induced panic, anxiety, and dismay. It’s common when any disease or threat arises, and nobody recognizes how to combat the problem. The scientists, doctors, and government must learn more about this enemy and its source of origin. Then you find a vaccine to dismantle the adversary. It could take a prolonged period. In this waiting process, it’s the best moment to be courageous.
You can’t have peace when you’re frightened. Your mind plays a horror movie as it creates the most dreadful thoughts and images. You worry, make unsound decisions, and allow this to dominate your life. This is the motto of fear. It makes you react to false evidence appearing real. If I’m afraid, I face its source. (2 Timothy 1:7). This takes courage, but I refuse to let anything to force me to live in fear.
Even on everything unfolding in the world, I encourage myself in the Lord. I follow the mandate set in place but won’t become the garbage disposal for anyone who dwells on the negative. Venting is helpful until it turns into a repeat offender spurring poison venom through insults, anger, and hostility. People need encouragement, not salt added to their wounds. When events happen that causes despair, it’s natural to be afraid. Beloved, don’t let it paralyze you into believing the worst. Find the strength to stay calm, be watchful of what you allow seep into your mind. Feed yourself faith, not fear. (Romans 15:5) Surround yourself with those who help you live a victorious life. These circumstances have an expiration date because God sees the end. Let Him be your solid rock.
Enjoy the musical selection, Firm Foundation by Selah. I pray it stirs your heart.
RESOURCE LOUNGE: Bless yourself and others with a gift for th heart, mind, and soul!
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