Although this is not the first pandemic in America, unless you were here during the 1918 influenza attack, then it’s your first time experiencing the effects of one. It appeared on April 5th in Haskell, Kansas, at the start of World War I. The present government did what they discovered in history such as quarantine, wearing a mask, social distancing. It also included good personal hygiene, the use of disinfectants, and limiting social gatherings. It took more than a year to bring it under control, as we are yet to do so with the COVID-19 virus. One benefit we have that they did not have is the vaccine. But this does not guarantee the eradication of this disease, though many act as if it does. The Lord is the only one who can obliterate this virus.
I know everybody wants to go back to normal and many are since taking the vaccine. I yet caution us to remain valiant because there are still reported cases. There have been instances of people being infested after receiving the vaccine. Yet there is hope because I believe we will come through this. We have, in the past, and with God’s help, we can again. We must because there is something on the other side of COVID-19. I mean something beyond normal because if we go back to doing as life was before this disease came into existence, our only hope is Jesus.
We can come out of this season better people and a better nation. Let’s choose to be more compassionate and display empathy. Even when there is disagreement over personal preferences, beliefs, and opinions, do so with grace and dignity. Have greater respect for each other regardless of anyone’s race or lifestyle choices. We should treat nobody as inferior because of the color of their skin or who they are. Neither should somebody continue gaining access to better health care, opportunities, and privileges because of their race. The hatred and racism have to desist if we are to be ununified. We can’t control anybody’s actions, but we can choose not to take part in their evil ways. Let’s be an example of kindness, integrity, and principles that do the contrary and turn the world upside down. (Acts 17:5-7, KJV).
Jason and the others were not trying to overthrow the government. They took a bold stance for righteousness and those who opposed stirred up trouble. This is common when somebody doesn’t like those who choose truth over error and right from wrong. Because of these admirable qualities, they perceive you as a threat. They speak lies, twist the facts, and convince anyone who’s as they are that you must be silenced. Beloved, when you stand for truth, get ready for fierce opposition, but be steadfast, even if it means you're alienated and mistreated.
Our government cannot keep passing laws that favor one race over another, thus dividing us even more. Nor must they infringe on Christian’s religious liberties which force those organizations to go against biblical principles or suffer the consequences. The Democratic and Republicans need to stop fussing and fighting against the other while pushing personal agendas under the disguise of some new program and policies with a fancy name.
The Body of Christ must no longer fuss over issues that push the unbelievers farther away when a nation is dying and see no need to worship God. Businesses have to stop trampling on their employees. Stop using unlawful means to end the careers of those who don’t agree with their deceptive and illegal practices. Families can come together and forgive rather than being consumed by anger, selfishness, and pride.
Law enforcement can become a unified front for humanity. Defunding the police isn't the solution, but dealing with police brutality from every level is a priority. Any commander who refuses to keep those offices under their authority accountable for breaking the law, reprimand and dismiss them as well. The core value of this agency is to protect and serve. If they violate these, take preventive actions stopping them to work in this position. Lawyers, Judges, and those representing this department have to be fair and just. It's not their role to profile people because of their race. Let the facts and not your preconceived notions and prejudices dominate your determination. Discrimination and nepotism have caused enough conflict within this system. The moment is now to hold any person whose causing pain and suffering because of unjust and unlawful practices to a higher standard. (Luke 6:31). If we can’t do better after COVID-19, then what do we have to look forward to?
Beloved, don’t you want something more than what we have seen over the past decades? During this crisis, people lost jobs, divorce is on the rise, loved ones died. Virtual learning has generated a greater problem in schools. Even before this disease hit the country, American morals had spiraled downward. Violence has ripped apart this county because of racism, social injustices, and inequality. We have access to more than we ever had, yet we are more racially divided than ever before. I want more for myself and everybody. I want to be more anointed with a stronger prayer life. I desire to infect as many as I can with God’s amazing love while empowering them to be who He created them to be. We saw America go from a country that was founded on biblical principles to one that has taken Him out of the equation. Anytime a county replaces Almighty God with godless values, the devil has full reign. I often tell people that God didn’t get up in the mess we are in, but He’s the one who can get us out of it.
It’s time to stop doing things the same way while expecting different results. The time is now to exit the revolving door of despair. Nothing good ever comes without the willingness to change. That change begins with each of us. We have to delve into our preconceived notions, bias, and prejudices and not allow them to persuade any decisions. Everywhere we go, we should leave a residue of God’s love behind. Anyone who is not doing so, examine your heart and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2). How will you affect the world? The love of God shall flood out of me so that each life I touch will never be the same.
I pray that the song; Change My Heart Oh God by the Maranatha Singers stirs your heart.
QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: What has been your greatest challenge since COVID-19 and how do you plan to overcome it?
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