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Never Judge a Race Unlike Yours

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

A few weeks ago, while at ShopRite, an intense and rancorous argument erupted. It was so intense; it got the attention of everybody. Something occurred which offended a customer, an African American grandmother, and daughter. I couldn’t say if the of the clerk or another person committed the offense. The mangers brought the scene under control. Their actions embarrassed a young black woman. She expressed her disgrace over what she had seen. Sometimes, people react in ways unbecoming. They shout, some even use profanity and challenge someone to a fight. Despite their outrage, I urge you never to judge a race by the mood and reactions of somebody who you believe behavior is undignified. Jesus warns us to keep watch on our own sins rather than judging others. “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned.” (Luke 6:37, NASB). I explained to a friend on the scene; her conduct isn’t a reflection of me and our race. Everyone doesn’t have the calm composure to offensives. Defending on what makes a person angry, tempers may flare up, and if not careful, the results can be devastating. Thank God, this was not the case in this incident.

People don’t have to know you to judge you. They do so by how you act. Some listen to gossip and decide who they believe you are. Most are driven by bigotry because you’re of a race they find disapproving. If you are honest to yourself, there have been times you responded inappropriately. You need somebody to understand your reaction without judging. There’s one set of rules for your race, but no grace for anyone you consider unworthy. Even the Jews dealt with alienation. Haman made a similar attempt when he plotted to destroy the Jewish nation in one day. “Letters were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces to destroy, to kill and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, women and children, in one day, the thirteenth [day] of the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar (March 7, 473 b.c.), and to seize their belongings as plunder.” (Esther 3:13, AMP). Thanks to Mordecai and Ester who stood against such madness, his plot backfired and they hung him on the gallows he had intended to use on Mordecai. (Esther – Read the entire book of Esther revealing this amazing story).

Some consider themselves a superior race and mistreat a nation of people who they see as invaders or second-class citizens. Anybody who doesn’t meet their standard of living they consider inferior and beneath them. Our ancestors didn’t ask anyone to bring them to America. Portuguese colony forces kidnapped them. They placed them on a slave ship, San Juan Bautista, which set sail for Veracruz in the colony of New Spain. Two privateer ships attached it, The White Lion and the Treasurer. Crews from these ships stole some slaves. The While Lion docked at Virginia’s Colony’s Point Comfort and traded some prisoners for food on August 20, 1619. The English colonist took and brought these West Africans and forced them to be slaves in the New World. This marked the beginning of two-and-a-half centuries of slavery in North America. Jesus doesn’t approve of racism and slavery.

In fact, some of your family members came to the United States as immigrants and you’re enjoying the bountiful benefits this country grants them. So, to judge someone by how they act, where they live, their disgust over inequality and oppression, or the color of their skin is a disgrace to humanity. Why do you think there’s inequality, discrimination, religious conflict, and racism in the world? Why is there a racially biased criminal justice system? Because somebody has trained and made someone believes a dominant race holds absolute power and exclusive access and unrestricted civil rights. You think you have total ownership of this country with the authority to decide which nation belongs here. No human has that power and anybody who believes this is a threat to America.

The truth is, there’s no race that’s better than another. But don’t these beliefs prove that anybody who believes this is as racist as those who are? Does it not even show you are worse than them? Has the world not had enough of animosity against races? Isn’t it time for someone to forgive and fight against racism, oppression, and social violence? Beloved, let’s come together and use peaceful ways to cleanse this world of this evil. Otherwise, you’ll never live out the love of God in the world when you’re smoldering in hatred and resentment. Nobody will fulfill God’s plan and purpose for their lives when it’s overwhelmed in hostility against another race. God died for every nation, tribe, language, and people. He does not have favoritism. (Revelation 14:6, Romans 2:11). The Lord’s color blind and wants us to love each as He does us. “Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. 32 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. 33 If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.” (Luke 6:33-34).

What causes a race to deem themselves as a high ranking to another race? It’s hatred. It’s fear of someone who is different, but equally worthy of liberty and acceptance. They are threatened by their uniqueness and abilities. Racism promotes accepting others of different ethnicity represents a weakness. But racial acceptance builds each up and cultivates relationships for the greater good. It’s an appeal to not allow our differences to separate and divide us. We don’t have to agree with what someone does, but we can disagree without treating another race inhumanely. And neither trying to make others turn against another nation of people because they look and act unlike you. Those who are hateful, jealous, filled with malice, and refuse to accept those who are different; keep us from celebrating humanity and living in harmony.

Every nationality has thoughtful, kind, and sensitive people. Some are rude, disrespectful, and challenging to be around. So, Beloved put away your gavel of judgment. Stop sentencing a race to oppression and ill-treatment because you believe they’re undeserving of civil rights. Jesus Christ died for all of humanity. He even paved the way for the Gentiles. (Romans 9:24-25). The Lord has no respecter of persons. (James 2:1-4). Almighty God counts the African Americans as children of promise. We, like the Gentiles, He calls vessels of mercy. (Romans 9:23). When God included the Gentiles, He went beyond those of Jewish descent. So, whom the Lord calls, let not anyone declares unfit or unworthy of treated with the utmost value. My Brother and Sister know who you are. You are royalty, peculiar people created in the matchless image of God.

I pray the song, Nobody Loves Me Like You by Chris Tomlin stirs your heart.

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