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My Goliath-sized Challenge Transformed My Life

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

I often say that everyone has talents and everybody is good at something. The thing is, how many people believe this? How many feel that they can achieve the unthinkable? David certainly did. When Goliath ridiculed the Israelites, no man wanted to face him. And why should they? According to 1 Samuel 17:4-7, he stood 9 feet and six inches tall! His armor was impregnable, and he appeared to be unstoppable. David was a shepherd boy and inexperienced to take on this giant. He had no military experience or training in martial arts. 

Despite the odds against him, that did not deter David because he had something Goliath did not. David had unwavering faith in God and a strong history with Him. Goliath boasted about his power, strength, and conquests. David recounted to King Saul about his accomplishments in taking down the enemy. What enemies, you are asking. The bear and the lion that threatened to take over his folk. Though King Saul was impressed with his resume, he thought David did not stand a chance against Goliath. Yet, he allowed him to take on the challenge of facing Goliath. 

As this horrid giant laughed at this little lad, David turned his laughter and confidence into death and defeat. With one stone from the five smooth ones, David slung it, and it embedded deep into Goliath’s head. And Goliath fell dead! Then Judah and Israel chased the Philippines and plundered their camp. Ding Dong, Goliath was dead, defeated, and wiped out of existence! Sweet Jesus! The Lord allowed David to be at the right place, at the right time, to hear the ridiculous boasting of Goliath. 

Sometimes, God will put a Goliath on our path so we can discover the David in us. So many people see themselves as small and incapable of achieving something great. They compare themselves to their siblings or allow their nemesis to put doubt in their hearts. Some listen to the voices of their parents or some other person of influence and allow it to make them feel not good enough. They forget what His Word said in Philippians 4:13, that they can do all things through Christ, who strengthens them. Beloved, it is those who do not qualify that God chooses to do the impossible. 

You might be facing some challenging times right now. Nothing you do seems to turn the situation around for your greater good. You have exhausted every resource you can think of, and matters continue to worsen. Despite your fears, you must face those challenges head-on and take on Goliath. They seem mightier and unmoveable. Who are you against such a formidable foe? The thing is, you do not stand alone. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that God's ways are higher than our ways, as are His thoughts than our thoughts. If His ways and thoughts expand yours, why should you worry? He thinks the world of you and wants nothing but His absolute best for you. Trust Him as he guides you through these difficult times. 

My Friend, those challenges are not there to harm you but to make you thrive. You have more resilience than you know, and He believes in you even when you do not believe in yourself. Use whatever challenges you face to deter you as fuel for your faith in God. Allow Him to guide you to become all He created you to be. 

The Lord does not do as we hope He will. Likewise, what He does will never make sense to us. Sometimes, we might struggle to understand His ways. Still, we must trust that the plan of God is better than anything we can imagine. If it takes a Goliath-sized challenge to help you see your true potential, then embrace it and let it catalyst you into everything God knows you are. 

I pray the song Able, by Ryan Stevenson, stirs your heart and helps you realize God is steady as the rising son. There is no Goliath He cannot move!

TIME FOR REFLECTION: Think of a time when you had to face what seemed like Goliath. What was your initial reaction? How did you find the courage to overcome this challenge?



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