A few days ago, while engaging in the social distancing practices, a few friends and I were outside discussing the effects of COVID-19. And I said; If I wasn’t saved, I would do a serious self-examination of my life. I would accept Jesus as my Savior.
These times are unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. Even though I don’t see this virus as the end of times, it’s a warning ahead of time. And it can't compare to what the Bible says is coming. Mark mentions the beginning of birth pains. In other words, the experience of intolerable sufferings and grave anguish preceding the Lord’s return. (Mark 13:8; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). Luke encourages us not to be misled, don’t panic, and use it as an opportunity to witness. (Luke 21:7,9,13). His return will be sudden and without warning. “But of that [exact] day and hour no one knows, and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son [in His humanity], but the Father alone.” (Matthew 24:36, AMP). Stay prepared.
God’s showing everybody; that at any moment what we considered normal, could be shaken and shifted. Something as a virus can shut down the everyday conveniences, we take for granted to show everyone how fragile our existence is. It’s proof we aren’t in control. It’s also a lesson to come out of your comfort zone and live as though Christ is returning today. Don’t become too comfortable in your ordinary operations and think you’re untouchable. No one’s immune from the unthinkable occurring. This coronavirus has shown us how vulnerable we are. You thought you were safe, secure, and unreachable. The enemy exempts no one from panic, fear and terrible events. He will show you you’re not as strong as you believed you were. And God will use it to prove how desperately you need Him.
Beloved, God is in control. Relax and see what He’s saying. He’s trying to capture your attention. So, ask yourself; what you could do to help somebody get through this crisis? As much as it lies in you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18). See where you can change and stop attempting to transform others. Search your heart and make sure you hold none offenses against someone. When it’s obvious, they exist; be a minister of reconciliation. “Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart; Test me and know my anxious thoughts; 24 And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.” (Psalms 139:23-24).
Anybody who hasn’t accepted Jesus as your Savior, invite Him to come in your heart. To those of us who are Christians, examine yourself and make sure you’re being Christ-like in your ABCs -attitude, behavior, and communication. Everyone who sees you should recognize the evidence of the love of God. Even if you’re scared, you can share that and yet encourage anybody to believe in the power of Christ, the Victor, the One who has overcome. (John 16:33). Stay concerned, but don’t worry because it causes burdens that don’t exist. It an illusion to captivate your mind. It dictates your life and steals your joy and peace. The Lord knows the expiration date and as you look to Him, He will help you get through this season of uncertainty.
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