God, despite the outcome of the presidential race, let there be calm and peace. Father, help people to accept the results without any outbursts of anger, no violence, no rioting, or arson, and no raging protests. Help this country heal from everything that has torn it apart. Let forgiveness and repentance overtake our hearts and Your love to invade every family. Redeem us that the will of God and man align.
Lord, do the contrary and turn America upside down. Dismantle corruption in our government. Destroy hatred in every racist. Shake off hostility in every cause that's inciting division, discord, and civil unrest. Bring freedom from sin, for only You can save us. Convict the hearts and minds of the people and bring us back to serving You. Saturate us with Your Word because Jesus is the way, the truth, and life. In the Matchless Name of Jesus. Amen
I pray the song; As We Pray by Gateway Worship stirs your heart.
