We learn many lessons during our existence. One valuable experience from this period with COVID-19 is how delicate life is. Beloved, never take this for granted. Ever remember how blessed you are. You may have a challenging relationship with someone in your household. But you’re not homeless, hungry, or without every day essentials.
Your job isn’t the ideal position, but it gives you support to provide for your family. Before you grumble, think of the thousands who have lost their job and business during this pandemic. If this doesn’t give you a reason to be grateful, then God help you.
Attendance is down in churches at a time the world needs a place of refuge. Though zoom and tele-conferencing are convenient, the sale of Bibles has increased. People are seeking for the true and living God because they realize He alone is the way, truth, and life.
As of today, 2.14K Americans have died from the Coronavirus. Many wait for weeks before their loved one’s funeral's conducted. You can’t visit someone in the hospital. And some facilities only allow a drive up visit. The stress and emotional turmoil in these families are beyond your understanding. So, be grateful for every moment you can spend with your family.
Corruption, hostility, and bigotry runs rampant in America. Our appointed officials aren’t improving the problem. Black Lives Matter has gone to the extreme. They claim to bring justice, healing, and freedom to black people. Their method isn’t for the overall social change African American needs. Many in this cause are angry over issues irrelevant to discrimination, injustice, or inequality. They protest when a white cop kills an unarmed black person. Does it not matter when a black man kills another black brother? When this happens, there’s no plea nor any outcry for justice. Do you know how many black women wouldn’t be on welfare if black men get off their lazy behind, obtain a job, and provide for their children? Why aren’t they outraged over this and many other concerns of African Americans? How does any of this center black joy; which supposed to be part of their mission?
They claim a peaceful protest yet keep chanting no justice, no peace. What's the opposite of no peace? Well, we see the detrimental outcome spilling out in cities across the United States from several races. They commit vandalism, set companies on fire, and contribute more hatred. Such crimes show the condition of your heart. How do these actions combat and counter acts of violence, which is another purpose of their mission? Why would anybody allow the misdeeds of another person to do such evil? No matter what anyone does, I won’t let it cause me to become violent and do harm to anyone.
Many African Americans have expressed since being in office, the President has caused white people to treat us worse. What I find unsettling is his overall unconcern for humanity. The crude statements he says shows he lacks compassion and is out of touch with race relations. Racism is an issue of the heart. What’s being revealed is what’s been inside them. For too long, blacks have believed that racial discord isn’t as bad in the north as in the south. But truth is, if you live in a predominantly black neighborhood, you wouldn’t experience bigotry. The difference is the racist in southern states doesn’t hide it. They aren’t ashamed of who they are. In the north, it’s subtle, hidden, waiting for an opportunity to show their true color.
The call to defund the police has erupted in more violence, rage, and animosity. I believe law enforcement needs special training in race relationships, the misuse of power within police officers, even improving their handling an encounter with an offender. Taking funds from this division isn’t the answer. It's time they reconstruct the police institution across this nation. The officer’s and those in charge need proper instructions and skills in how to decelerate a situation.
I can go on, but you realize the point. It's imperative for us to come together as a nation and help this world heal. If people can put aside their hatred, differences after a hurricane or disaster hit a place and help others, then you can do the same under these circumstances. It’s a matter of choice. I’ll continue using my words to encourage, empower, and inspire people of all walks.
In conclusion, tell your family you love them. Treat everybody better than how you want them to act towards you. You do not know what someone is enduring. Stop badmouthing the President. Though what comes from his mouth reveals an absence of concern for humankind, he’s the leader. I dare you to pray for him in accordance to God’s Word and not your will. Besides, the Lord doesn’t answer any petition that goes against who God is. Beloved, sow seeds of kindness, check on people, and wherever you go, leave a residue of God’s love. Let's help each thrive and be the best we can. Above all, never forget the Lord is our only hope.
Question for Reflection
Have you ever considered creating a cause to help bring reform? What are the basic practices you plan to institute?