“This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I have loved you." (John 15:12)
Spending the Christmas holiday with my daughter and grandkids has been a joy. Johnathan, though a beginner on the violin, enlightened my understanding. Ava and I had fun making snowflakes and doing Word search puzzles. She is a real pro. Most importantly, I poured valuable godly lessons that will last a lifetime into them. I hope you, too, are taking the time to enjoy your family.
As we approach a New Year, let us lay aside every weight that hinders us from contributing towards the healing of our family and country. (Hebrews 12:1, AMP). Instead of allowing our differences to separate us, let us celebrate and embrace them. Where darkness led us astray, let us be the beacon of light. Even when it is hard, let us practice honesty and integrity. Likewise, we must tell the truth regardless of whether we suffer the consequences of our actions. We must pull together and do the right thing, even when this requires tremendous effort. No longer can anyone prefer the well-to-do over the poor and needy. Let us work together towards a better future.
Lay aside hatred and love more.
Lay aside jealousy and celebrate the achievements of others.
Lay aside racism and respect everybody.
Lay aside pride and help those in need.
Lay aside social inequalities and be impartial regardless of race.
Lay aside personal preferences and biases and make unpopular decisions that change lives, communities, and nations.
You cannot continue doing things the same way while expecting different results. History has shown us such actions only bring division, mayhem, suffering, and pain. The time has come to exit the revolving door of despair and treat others better than how you want them to treat you. Beloved, Jesus did not suffer and die for some; He did so for everybody. Forgive what you feel is unforgivable, and watch God do something new in your heart. (Romans 12:19-21). It is time to leave a residue of His unconditional love everywhere we go. Happy Blessed New Year.
What will you do differently this year to effect change for the better?
I pray the song, Love Moved First by Casting Crowns stirs your heart and faith in God.
Can you please encourage someone today? Please tell us how this devotional inspired you. Hit that heart, share, and comment.
