Many are enduring difficult times that’s overwhelming. Despite your every effort, the circumstances have gotten worse. You believe you’re stuck, and there’s no escape out of what appears an inconceivable outcome. You must stop assuming this. Beloved, change how you see your current plight. It’s a season, not a life sentence. The Lord has attached an expiration date to your hardships. Your answer could arrive today.
Too often, you forget you have a history with Christ and focus too much attention on the troubles. This makes them look bigger than anything He’s able to handle while taking you far from His presence. Those hopeless tough seasons He delivered you from have become your victories. My Friend, think about these extraordinary praise reports. (Philippians 4:8). I encourage you to declare God’s Word and not going by what you perceive. Search the scriptures for in them you’ll find hope for any problem. God, Almighty will see you through it. “But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, they will walk and not grow tired.” (Isaiah 40:31).
Nothing’s impossible for God, so it’ll shift in your favor and open your eyes to discover the passion you didn’t recognize you had. You can use this experience to help others. It empowers and brings you closer to Christ. Even this message is the Savior’s way of saying, My Child, I love you, you’re not alone. “Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].” (Isaiah 41:10, AMP). You will come through this struggle transformed, wiser, and stronger. The Lord’s working this out for your good.
I pray these songs of peace and comfort by Don Moen encourage your heart, mind, and soul
When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt [profound] compassion for them and healed their sick. (Matthew 14:14).
So, I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength]. (2 Corinthians 12:10).
For the Lord your God will be with you, fighting on your behalf against your enemies in order to grant you victory. (Deuteronomy 20:4, ESV).
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