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It Is Not a Sin to Say No

Writer's picture: Vernita "Neat" SimmonsVernita "Neat" Simmons

The way of a sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of the upright is a level highway. (Proverbs 15:19).

One night last February, during our prayer time, I shared that sometimes, it is good to say no to someone. It is our nature as Christians to help and encourage others. Ephesians 4:32 does say to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. We see a need and want to make everything better. But for some people, the best thing we can say to them is no. No matter how much you do for them, some people will never learn to be responsible. Even a baby needs us to put them down so they will learn to walk. If we always pick the baby up after he falls, they will never learn to walk, run, jump, or skip. And believe me, once they learn what their feet are made for, they do not want us to pick them up. It is as if they say, I don’t know want these are, but I sure do love them. Put me down!

When we are always available, even when we are not available, we stop that person from growing and becoming whom God created them to be. Even Jesus was not at everybody’s beck and call. Beloved, how will your child ever learn to be accountable for their actions when you keep bailing them out of trouble? How can anyone overcome adversities when you do that task for them? So, sometimes you need to say no, I cannot loan you this money this time. No, I am not available to babysit. No, I cannot cover for you or lie for you. No, I do not accept that behavior. No, I will not support you in this endeavor. Beloved, it is not a sin to say no.

God has a plan for their life, but they cannot fulfill it when we keep coming to their aid. They need to learn how to stop hindering themselves. It is time they grow up and stops making excuses and blaming others for their misguided choice. Those choices got them where they are, and that is depending on somebody to bail them out of the mess they got themselves in. They may get mad and stop speaking to you. They might even blame you for their demise, if so and so would have helped me, this would not have happened to me. Truth be told, this occurred regardless of whether you had helped them because everything they kept doing led them to where they are. They did this to themselves. So, stop beating yourself up! People will take your kindness for granted and use it to manipulate you. They will likewise, guilt trip you into feeling bad. They know all the right scriptures to quote to get you to give in to them. So, don’t be ashamed or guilty because you told someone no.


Sometimes, saying no can be hard to do, but still, what good does this message teach that can come out of saying no?

You finally refused to continue to allow somebody to use you, so how did it affect your relationship with that person?

Can you please help encourage someone today? Please comment on how this devotional inspired you, hit that heart, and share your thoughts with others. Thank you kindly.

I pray this song; Redeemed by Influence Music stirs your heart and reminds you how much God loves you.




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