There are dire repercussions when a nation defies God and sets error over truth. America, a union that once held high regard for Him, has become one that has traded their ethics, values, and morals for gratifying their greed for self-indulgence. Every moment our society allows practices the Bible warns against; it suffers the consequences of their reckless actions. There was a time they prohibited alcohol, the legislation outlawed gambling, even abortion was illegal. The results of sanctioning these have been devastating. None of these have combated social problems in the United States.
Families suffer from spouses’ addictions to gambling. Innocent baby’s scream cries out from being ripped from their mother’s womb. Their consumption of alcohol resulted in many deaths by the hand of a drunk driver. And let’s not forget the effects of drug addiction. Even children have been born addicted to substance abuse. They took prayer out of school, and now guns are killing our youth and staff. The United States education system is no longer a safe place for children. They have trampled on the constitution by declaring the defense of marriage act unconstitutional and legalizing the alternative lifestyle. These and countless others’ immoral behaviors are no wonder Christians quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 “… and My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek (crave, require as a necessity) My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.” Many use this scripture as though it’s a one-way ticket to gain God’s favor and absolution from the penalty of their sinful ways. Isn’t it remarkable that sin even plagues the land? But they overlook verses 12-13 which says: Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said to him: “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. 13 If I shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or if I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence and plague among My people …
Solomon had finished building the temple, and God spoke to him in response to his prayers for the Israelites. Often, they rebelled against the commands of the Lord. (Exodus 2:25, Ezekiel 7, Joel 1:1-2:27). In reply, God may send judgment in the form of pestilence, drought, or locust. Their answer was conditional on the terms if they would pray, seek His face, and repent from their sins. God would deliver and not pass judgment on them. For Israel, their obedience secured divine blessings; while disobedience results in hardships and disaster. So, He called for the unified nation to atone. America has not done that. He hears the prayers of those who pray for this country and has granted mercy. But this nation has expressed no remorse for their sins. Most use God out of convenience when something terrible happens. Then regardless of race, religion, or culture, they band together and pray. They even allow silent prayer in school. Think I’m joking, recall September 11, 2002; in the school worked at, they had a moment of silent invocation.
After everything’s over, they continue hating, bigotry, acts of injustices, even exploiting every opportunity to attack Christianity. No other faith experiences harsh opposition as we do. They are threatened by the God we serve and don’t want any mention of His Son, Jesus. If religious freedom exists in America, then explain such actions to me? It’s granted to others while our government imposes laws to force us to go against the God we serve. The devil is a perpetual liar.
We learn in Romans 1:18-32 anyone who turns from the knowledge of God for the detestable things their hearts desired; He gives them over to their evil practices. The practice of ungodliness inevitably results in immoral decay and unrighteousness. Those who hide behind supporting the rights of Christianity to gain votes, but your lifestyle doesn’t demonstrate the evidence of a godly person; you’re no better. With the Equality Act advancing by a vote of 236 to 173, if passed by the Senate and signed by the President, it will be an enormous hazard to religious freedom.
Among the many oppositions; it opens the door to (#1)
Requiring Christian business owners is to choose between their faith and their organization.
Christian adoption agencies being forced to choose between their faith or continuing to serve children and birth mothers in need.
Parents being kept uninformed when heir child seeks counseling for struggle with gender identity or unwanted same-sex attraction.
They have failed, despite their efforts. God always has a remnant who stands and fights for the truth. No weapon formed against us will prosper. Those who are foolish enough to defy Him will discover how great is our God. We pray for America to search their heart, repent of your sins, and let your light shine. (Psalms 139:23-24). When He is lifted, He’ll draw all men unto Him. (John 12:32). It’s time the church come behind the four walls and plunge into the depth of this world stained with sin and be impactable. We can no longer sit back, make excuses, fast and pray, and stay silent as our government passes legislation that threatens our religious rights. Everybody’s coming out of the closet and demanding what they want. Wake up, Body of Christ! Let’s band together peaceable and fulfill James 1:27; “Pure and unblemished religion [as it is expressed in outward acts] in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit and look after the fatherless and the widows in their distress, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the [secular] world.” So, speak up for justice of the unborn. They have slaughtered too many babies through abortion. Send racism back to pit from where it originated. Prevent the madness of liquor stores in your community. They’re particular about whose community they place such establishment. When you witness something wrong, using the law correctly and honorable, speak up. Every time you complain, but don’t take part in making the situation better, you become the problem.
Is COVID-19 part of God’s judgment for the reckless and disrespectful actions of those who reject the principles of God? I believe it’s a warning. But I know if anyone convinces themselves they can continue and ignores the Lord and overturn, what His Word says will suffer disastrous consequences. The innocent may suffer too. It happened to the Israelites so what makes America or any other county except they’re exempted? (Jeremiah 20-22; 24-29; 32; 34-39). God’s not somebody to play with and take for granted. He’s not a genie you can rub a lamp and receive your three wishes. He’s Elohim, the one and true God. (Exodus 20:2-3). He warned them what would happen if they forsook Him and His ways. The land would be desolate, and His people taken captive. (Joshua 24:19-28; 2 Chronicles 7:19-22). When such events occur, other nations will even recognize it’s because they abandoned God and worshipped other gods. It’s time to pay attention and choose this day whom you will serve. (Joshua 24:14-15). We’re living in crucial times, and the Bible is being fulfilled before our eyes. The time is now to stand for righteousness regardless of the consequences.
With the material presented on the Equality Act and how our government fights against religious freedom, what role should the church play in stopping the passing of such legislation that jeopardizes our religious rights?
I pray the song, God In America Again by Carmen, sirs your heart.
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