The new year has arrived. Many made resolutions that they hope to come true. Everyone wants their coming year to be full of victory, and prosperity, without pain, suffering, and disaster. Still, not even God will promise that to any of us. Life entails seasons we do not enjoy and prefer not to endure. We are leaving a year we know of and entering one marked by questions and uncertainties.
As I navigate through the uncharted adventure, it's of utmost importance to leave it in the hands of the Lord, the omnipresent who sees into your future. Launching out into the unknown is a mystery and might frighten someone, but our security must lie in our faith in God. It may gain you the best return when you hit a juncture that can be more than you expected, provided you obey and trust Him.
He sees everything we will experience. The Lord even knows how it will turn out. The incredible news is Christ has gone before us and prepared these days with the intention of our grandest outcome. Though it is His will for it to be an extraordinary journey, He knows human nature. His plans and our ways are contrary, which results in someone making decisions that will not be in His will. Such actions often take you on a path that ushers in unnecessary pain and hardships. Beloved, I will surrender the coming days in the care of the Lord. I will not try and figure out the results, nor how He will carry out His plan. God accompanies obedience to His commands through the fulfillment of those extraordinary promises.
If you listen to these commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today, and if you carefully obey them, the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom. (Deuteronomy 28:13, NLT).
Nothing will happen that God has not prepared a way to get me through it. The Lord ordained the outcome before it occurs. Every circumstance that unravels shall not surprise Him. He is aware of each relationship that will develop along with every opportunity for my greater good, or the ones sent to destroy me. Whatever affects my spiritual well-being, God is on the case. He works behind the scenes, fashioning every outcome for my good. (Romans 8:28). Beloved, we must take heed, pay attention, obey, and trust God. If we follow the misguided path, this decision will alter everything. Such a reckless choice will yield undue stress, and discouragement, which could lead to reasoning that sounds normal but lacks the wisdom of God. These actions may result in a prolonged season of going around the revolving door of despair.
Despite what occurs throughout each season, I shall not allow the effects of any occurrence to discourage me because I know who holds my future. When fear or the cares of life try to shake my foundation, I will remind myself of this fundamental truth: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken and will He not make it good and fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19, AMP).
Since I recognize that His plans are far greater than mine, I can proclaim with boldness and confidence that God destined this new year with the fulfillment of His promises, victory, and me walking by faith in God. It will attract Him. He always responds to faith. Likewise, depending on the Lord ushers Him into any problem and keeps me living in His divine will and untouched by unknown circumstances foreknown to God. I cannot wait to see the remarkable days ahead.
I pry the song; Lift Up Your Eyes by Danny Gokey inspires and encourages you.
Happy Victorious New Year!
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