Trouble is on the prowl and looking for someone to devour. 2020 brought many problems we didn’t request. It was circumstances we never dreamed possible. It started with a virus that has changed how we live, work, and spend moments together. We have gone from what we consider normal routine activities to virtual learning, attending church, and taking part in social events. Even working has taken on a new meaning. The mask and social distancing have confined the world to the point of exhaustion, isolation, and an increase in troubled marriages. The violence and civil unrest we’ve seen in our country have us more divided. You’re asking yourself, how much can we bear? When will this madness end? (2 Corinthians 1:8-10, ESV). Beloved, God never gives us what we can handle. Neither is He the cause of these dreadful experiences unfolding in the world. If you’re facing difficulties, not of your making, encourage yourself. It’s not time to retreat, but to stand firm.
The Lord will help us handle what we are given. He tells us to thrust our cares on Him because He’s concerned about us. (1 Peter 5:7). He knew what was coming before it arrived. In regards to His life, He sought His Father three times for a reversal of what was to happen but submitted to His authority. (Matthew 26:36-44). He understood the greater purpose of what he had to endure. His example is for our benefit. Besides, He prepared the solution and set the expiration date before it formed. The enemy can do but so much because God placed boundaries on him. As with Job, he allowed him to bring some trouble, but there was a limit to what he could do. (Job 1:7-12) (2:1-6).

The way to get through these days is to remember that no one is an island. You don’t have to fix everything by yourself. Nor does He expect you to act as though you’re alright and not affected by what has occurred. It’s permissible to admit your vulnerability and ask for help. God is with you during this period, and He’s not going anywhere. (Isaiah 41:10). Dear Friend, you aren’t facing this for yourself, but for the sake of others. Your courage and tenacity bring them hope. Although this season came to you without your permission or request, it’s your responsibility to apply it for God’s glory. Don’t waste time complaining, fusing, and being discouraged. My Friend, what is before you is far greater than your current plight. Let the Lord used it to strengthen you, be an example of His extravagant love, and for the Kingdom of God.
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