This year came in with many proclamations based on it being 2020. I heard the phrase double blessings from many. There were great expectations. People were optimistic and filled with hope. Suddenly, an unexpected virus invaded many countries, and the mood of the people have changed. Nobody saw this coming! People are anxious, worried, fearful, and uncertain. During this troublesome time, it’s natural to pray and ask God to give COVID-19 its eviction notice. Now, God didn’t create this dreadful virus but He allowed it for His purpose. The Lord doesn’t sit on His throne in heaven and think of ways to rain down diseases on earth. His thoughts about us is for our good and no harm. (Jeremiah 29:11). I earnestly urge you not to blame Him for what’s going on. It’s easy for people to become weary, misunderstand the ways of the Lord, and demand answers to why this is happening. Why did my loved one die? Where re You, Lord? Why did You allow this virus to invade our life? County or town? But I see something in all this uncertainty. God is doing something in this season they call unprecedented times. And until He completes the reason, He permitted this to occur, we must persevere and trust Him no matter what.
You expect Him to create this perfect world free of pain and suffering. You desire a world without troublesome times. You wish for a place where everybody is kind and loving. You expect a world without no diseases and no existence of the coronavirus. And no more confining you to your house. You want your life back. You expect a perfect world. How will this be with imperfect people? Even if God created such, how will it remain with people who are living their own truth? How long will this last while it’s inhabited with human beings?
Beloved, stop raising your fist in anger because you can’t control the outcome. We will never understand the ways of God. (Isaiah 55:8-89). There comes a season to stop questioning the Lord and realize He’s in control. He always has our best interests at heart. I don’t know when this virus will end. God does! But I know that your words will birth fear or faith. They’ll bring joy or sorrow. It will cause peace or torment. So, I will continue to live with one accord with Psalms 91(v 3, 5-6, 10-11). Recall what God has done in the past, and rely on His record. Beloved, claim the victory when the circumstances aren’t to your liking. Stop getting stuck in why and ask yourself what are you trying to teach me, Lord?
You may feel disillusioned and confused during this challenging time. How much time are you spending praying and studying the Word of God? The Bible is the best guide ever. God’s not answering your prayers as you had hoped. He’s silent and seems distant. You wonder where He is. Dear One, God doesn’t respond to your demands. He doesn’t move on your schedule, either move at your command. Nor will He jump when you say so. And your adult temper tantrums don’t shake him, either. God will intervene at His precise time. You should make your petitions known and submit to His divine purpose.
What’s occurring at this moment in history isn’t logical to you. You believe it’s utterly ridiculous. Have you not learned how to be content in any and every situation? (Philippians 4:12). God can end this pandemic at a snap of his finger. (Daniel 3:16-18). But even if He doesn’t, I will trust Him.
Even if He prolongs it indefinitely, I will serve Him.
Even if the mountain doesn’t move, I will depend on God.
Even if He doesn’t do the impossible and part, the sea, this won’t cause my faith in God to falter.
Even if the flames are 7 times hotter, know this devil, I won’t give up.
Even if He won’t perform the supernatural move in this situation, I am assured He can.
All that I have seen God do empowers me to believe Him for the unseen. I trust the Lord no matter what and leave the outcome to Him.
Send god’s Word on a Mission Impossible, and it won’t return void. It’s potent, powerful, and sufficient.
I pray the musical, Even If by MercyMe stirs your heart.
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